What Should I Name My Pet?

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    Key Master
    1. #935909


      Well, I just got the Signature Marble Cat and the Signature Siamese Cat (Chō kyūto), and I have a list of names for each, and was wondering if people could give their opinions on them. They’re both girls, by the way. Signature Siamese: Brionne, Tawny, and Yasmine. Signature Marble: Beth, Edith, Heather, Mae, and Taylor. I know it’s not a lot, but I took a while to narrow down the list. I’ll probably just end up choosing them myself, since I can see what the Webkinz actually look like, but I’d like to hear peoples’ opinions on the names. Thanks! ,(*^▽^)ノ~✿

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      • #936002


        Oh yeah, I just thought of a few more. Signature Marble: Harper and Sable. Yeah, can’t think of any more for the Siamese.

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        • #936266


          I love all of your names. For your signature siamese, I would name her Jasmine ( a spin of one of your names) and for the marble cat, I would name her Heather or Mae, but Heather is my first choice.

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          • #936636


            Eh, I had considered Jasmine too, but I prefer Yasmine. It’s mainly because they mean the same thing, but Yasmine sounds more like it suits my Siamese. That, and Jasmine is a Disney princess, and I don’t want my Siamese being associated with her. I’ve never really been a fan of the Disney princesses… Heather does seem to suit the Marble Cat really well, but the name Mae sounds really cute, and suits my Marble Cat too. “Mae the Marble Cat” has a nice ring to it. But then Heather also suits it really well…. Sorry for my indecisiveness, I’m really picky when it comes to Webkinz names. ,(#^-^)>

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            • #936844


              I totally understand. If I didn’t have my theme, I would take forever naming my webkinz. Even with the theme, I still do! :) God bless, Silvermist03 alexisandmax03

            • #936957


              Why, what’s your theme? I like to make my Webkinz’s names really different, I don’t have any specific theme. Shadow is named after a shadow, since he’s a Black Wolf. That was probably my most cliché name of all time. :P Berrina is a made-up name, a combination of “Berry” and the name suffix “ina”, which seems to suit a Strawberry Cloud Leopard. Kachine I got based on what it meant, “sacred dancer”, and since she’s a Signature Arctic Hare, I thought it made sense. Plus it’s uncommon, and I think it sounds pretty. I think I’m gonna name my Siamese Tamira, which is some sort of spice. And then her nickname could be Tami.

      • #936197

        hey pokekinz! i like Tawni for the Siamese (Tami works too!) and Mae or Harper for the Marble Cat! (Mabel works also!)

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        • #936210


          I was actually considering Mabel at one point, but I decided since it sounded a lot like “Marble”, it’d be a pretty popular name. I prefer my Webkinz’s names to be unique, or at least uncommon. Err, I still can’t decide….

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      • #936250

        Tawny and heather sound nice:) I’d really just pick the two names you like best though:) who cares what everyone else names their pets because your pets are unique because they are yours alone:)

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        • #936637


          True, but it’d be sorta annoying if everyone was constantly confusing me for someone else. I really like all the names on my list, but I’m just not sure which ones to use. It’s gotta be one I’ll like months, possibly years from now, because once I log them on, I can’t change the name. And webkinzlove63, I am very seriously considering the name “Tami” for my Siamese, and that brought me to “Tamira”, which I also like. :) Maybe I could name her Tamira, and Tami could be her nickname…. According to the site I usually get my names from, it’s an American name, and is a spice of some sort. I actually really like that. “Tamira, Tami to her friends.” Okie, so I think I’ve got the name for the Siamese, whatcha guys think of it? Still contemplating my Marble’s name, though. So, thanks webkinzlove63! ,(*^▽^)/

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          • #937110


            I love the name Tami as its actually one of my family members names! Go with that! Tamira is so cute!

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            • #937167


              Thanks! I think it also sounds like the sort of name that almost describes a personality in a way. She’s going to be sort of odd, but nice. And very honest, often bluntly so. Although she doesn’t seem to understand the truth can hurt, she just never seems to lie. “Tamira” also sounds sort of exotic, and I imagine Tami having some sort of accent. She has a lighter voice, and… Some sort of accent… I can’t put my finger on it. Okay, I’ve seriously got to draw Tamira. :P Now if only I didn’t stink so badly at drawing cats…

    2. #935719


      I have help for anyone who needs it: list of names!! Call me out on WKN- I’ll help!

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    3. #935212

      Here are some names for your fox! Fern, Trailblazer, Pine, Pine Needle, Flower, Heidi, Scarlet, Jasper, Maple, Redd, Leif, Foxy, Roxy, Ruby, Woods, Red Wood, Cedar, Ruby Kiss, Ruby Heart…Idk really! i hope you find a good one!

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    4. #934593

      Hey all! I was wondering if anyone had some name suggestions. I just got the small signature fox and haven’t decided on a name yet. I often like naming pets after my academic interests – I’m an English and ancient history double major with a minor in biology – if that helps. I’ve been tossing around the name Lysander if it’s a boy, so thoughts on that might be helpful. Anyway, I’d love you hear your thoughts on both boy and girl names; I’m ready to make this one a part of my Webkinz family!

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      • #934824

        Hmmm… Well Prometheus really strikes me as a good name. Others would be Alexander, Asim, Akbar, Or mars. For girls I’d suggest Cleopatra (mostly because of the fox’s eye markings), Venus, Delilah, Lillian, Aziza and Nefertiti. Hope I helped:)

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        • #935266

          @kingdomheartsnerd: I love the idea of Alexander for a name; I might switch it to Alexandra in honor of my good friend who just got his PhD with a thesis on the Romanovs. Thanks everyone who answered!

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          • #935594

            Sounds like a great name! I’m glad to see you like to put some deeper thought into your names:) I do the same:) glad I could help you out! I’ll be glad to suggest more nanes if you ever need!

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      • #934844

        Hi LadyOfTheHouse, I’m suggesting La’foxneisha. Hope this helps!

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      • #935031


        For boys, I suggest Kenya, Outback, Sandy, Riles, Firo. Girls? Kendall, Reesa, Tut, Mila, and Deserta. I like Deserta!! Hope this helps, LadyOfTheHouse!!

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      • #935033



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    5. #933727


      That is soooo cute for a decade dragon! Man, y’all come up with some good names!!! God bless, Silvermist03

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