What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #951650

      Hey guys! Could I have some signature calico cat names?? I just ordered her (him?) and I seriously have NO CLUE what to name it :P Thanks! :)

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      • #952293


        Wow! A signature calico?? Congrats :D For names, I’m thinking maybe Sabrina, Blaire, Melody, or Skye for a girl. For a boy, you could do Jai, Kuma, or Ember?? Hope this helps you ;)

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      • #952458


        Wow! Nice! I’ve been wanting one of those for a long time now! Does it have the code? here are some names – Toffee, Taffy, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Callie/Cali, California, Dakota, Smokey, Cliff, Steel, Orange, Black, Koda, White, Whitney, Winter, Autumn, Sugar N Spice & All Things Nice (Or just Sugar & Spice), Sprinkles, Cupcake…That’s all I can think of right now! Hope you find one that works for you! :)

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        • #952663

          No code! Ok, don’t think I’m trying to brag here, but I got her off eBay for a pretty good price, and she’s in gorgeous condition! (I’m deciding between Autumn and Harlequin for her name) thanks for all the name suggestions :D

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    2. #951133


      Some names for a brown dog ~ Cocoa, Mocha, Cocoa Puff, Coffee, Espresso, Cafe Latte, Sugar N’ Spice, Cinnamon Kiss, Nutmeg, Spicy Cocoa, Hot Chocolate….Hope you find one! :)

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    3. #951129

      Anyone have name suggestions for a girl Shnauzer and a girl Rockerz Poodle? Thanks!

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      • #951130

        That funny that you’re getting a Brown Dog too, because my brother and I JUST got Brown Dogs!

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      • #951175


        For the Shnauzer, I instantly though of Hermione, I know that doesn’t fit very well, but I just finished reading Harry Potter for the first time. :) Other names, Samantha, Alexis or Alexandria, Kim, Katie, Meghan, Lilly, Sarah, Kayla, Jordan, Giselle, Lorelei, Rachel, Joanna, Josie, Belle. I have a ton more if you don’t like any of these and would like to hear some more. For the poodle, I’m going to repeat a few of the names from above. Kayla, Katie, Josie, Joanna, Samantha, Belle, Lorelei, Rachel, Giselle, Heather, Juliet, Kathryn, Lisa, Mary?, Rebekah or Rebecca, Bekah, Ella. I also have a lot more for this too if you don’t like any of those and would like to see some more. Hope this helps!! ;) God bless, Silvermist03

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        • #951312

          It does help! I’d love to see more! But I’m definitely NOT going to EVER name ANY of my pets Sarah. That’s my name, it it would be very weird. Those are great names! But not the type I usually name my pets. Does that make any sense? XD Have a great day!

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          • #951412

            How do you come up with these? They’re awesome!!

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            • #952963


              Thanks. :) As for how I come up with them. I lot of them are my, my friends, my pets, my siblings names, or just a name I really like or think fits that certain pet very well. Alexis is my dogs name. Katie, Meghan, Lilly Sarah, Kayla, Jordan, Giselle, Lorelei, and Bekah are my friends. Rachel and Joanna are names in my family. Belle and Samantha I’m just loved for a long time. Mary was going to be the name of the new baby, except when she turned out to be a he! ( He’s named Matthew now. :) Well, I guess that’s a little more that you asked for. ;)

    4. #950524


      Do you guys have a good name for a Brown Dog?

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      • #950586


        Boomer, Boomerang, Autumn, Chip, Coco, Fudge, Hershey, Mocha, Snickers, Bailey, Charlie Brown, Penny, Peanut, Sable, Tanner, Tawney, Umber, Ember, Kitkat. Hope that helps LabLover2014.

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        • #950592


          ……… Parker, maybe? Sorry, can’t think of much, hah.

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      • #950725

        Hmm… How about Chico, Dulce, Nutterbutter, Nutella, David, Tarrence, Teddy, Brownie batter, Patches, Dazey, Fluffkinz, Spunky, Rowdy, and Hershey:)

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    5. #950381


      Some names could be: Watermelon Pup : Melon, Melonee, Sour Patch, Sour Citrus, Citrus Berry, Fruiticious, Tuity Fruity, Watermelon, Extreme, Air Head, Sour Patch Watermelons….Hmm, this one’s a toughie! Hope you find one!

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