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February 24, 2014 at 2:24 pm #858297
January 12, 2016 at 10:29 am #968696
Hey everyone! :) Sooo hears the dealio…I’m needing names for a girl pink & white cat and a boy tree kangaroo. For the cat, I would really like a name that is possibly candy-related or Japanese :) Anything cute and fluffy hahaha And for the kangaroo, I would like a name that is Australian. It can be a spin off of an actor’s name or just plain hilarious. Just whatever comes to mind..Thanks guys! :D Hope everyone and every webkinz is doing super duper! ~PJ5
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February 4, 2016 at 9:09 am #973235
Hi princejackson! So for the cat, I like Bonbon (candy), Sakura (cherry blossom), Ichigo (strawberry), Sugarplum (self-explanatory), Sweetly (self-explanatory), or Candice (because candy). For the kangaroo, I like Sydney (capital of Australia), Joey (kangaroo), or Wallace (wallaby). I hope these help! :D
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January 9, 2016 at 5:27 pm #968230
Hey everyone! I went a little insane last year on buying Webkinz! Maybe that’s because I found five stores that sell them! (Five Below, Ollie’s, Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, and Hobby Lobby) I started last year with…… ten? And at the end of last year I had fifty-five. Uh… yeah… heh heh heh…. So now I need names! I need names for a female Night Mare, a female Rainbow Hedgehog, a male or female Reindeer, male or female Brown Dog, male or female Lil’ Kinz Tree Frog, female Lil’ Kinz Yorkie, female Rabbit, female Velvety Elephant, female Lil’ Kinz Lion, female Rockerz Poodle, female Pink and White Cat, female Black Cat, and….. I think that’s it… XD Thanks guys!! Have a great day!
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January 10, 2016 at 9:31 am #968317
I forgot about my Love Frog! It’s a female, and it also needs a name ;) Thanks guys!
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January 11, 2016 at 9:33 am #968494
Errmm… Cherisa, Valentine, Luvyna. Cherisa: Dear one; Darling Luvyna: Little beloved one and you know what Valentine is.
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January 12, 2016 at 10:32 am #968693
Thanks! Those are really creative names! I’ll definitely consider them! ;)
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January 16, 2016 at 2:07 pm #969555
Well, it’s taking me forever to come up with names for all your nameless pets, so I’ll just post what I’ve got so far. :P For the Night Mare: Aysel (which means “moonlight), Blaire, Blaze, Dawn, Ebony, Eclipse, Gloom, Moonlight, Nightfall, Nightlight, Nightshade, Pyre, or Rafflesia. For the Rainbow Hedgehog: Amy, Crista, Cupcake, Dazzle, Denise, Flower, Lolly, Palette (as in an artist’s palette, or a range of colors), Pastel, Razzle, Rose, RoseArt, Sequin, Spectrum, Sprinkles, Skittles, or Sunny. For the Reindeer: Male names: Blake, Bruce, Buck, Bucky, Chesnut, Jack, Layne (it means a path or roadway. Also, “Santa Clause Layne” XD) Oliver, Otis, Ralf, Randy, or Rufus. Female names: Bell, Carol, Cindy (like “Cindy Lou Who”), Cocoa, Ginger, Holly, Olive (Olive the other reindeer… :D), or Noel. Unisex names: Checkers, Cookie, Jingle, Skiddo, Snickerdooodle, or Snickers. When I come up with some names for your other pets, I’ll post again.
February 2, 2016 at 9:15 am #972679
Wow! Thanks so much, Pokekinz!! For the Night Mare, I really like Aysel, Ebony, Gloom, Eclipse,Blaire, and Pyre. And Rafflesia!! For my Rainbiw Hedgehog, I especially like Cupcake, Dazzle, Pallette, Pastel, Razzle, and Spectrum! Thanks so much, Pokekinz!! XD Have a great day!!!
February 3, 2016 at 3:48 pm #973180
No problem! In case you’re wondering, “Rafflesia” is a parasitic flowering plant. You can look it up if you like, it’s one weird plant. I actually suggested it because a Pokémon I like, Vileplume, reminded me of the Webkinz Night Mare for some weird reason. And “Gloom” is actually the name of the previous form, ahah. Anyhoo, once I rack up a few more names, I’ll post some more.
February 2, 2016 at 9:17 am #972680
Oh, and a male or female Gray Arabian. I got it yesterday!! XD
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February 4, 2016 at 4:22 pm #973409
I hope you don’t mind if I help too! Ok so for the Grey Arabian I’m thinking Charcoal, Smokey, Chester, Misty, Stormy, Freckles, Frost, Speckles, Thunder, Blitzen, Fleetfoot, Ashley/Ashton, Cinder, or Obsidian. I didn’t split them by gender but most of these are gender neutral so I figured it wouldn’t matter haha :P Anyways, I hope you like these!!
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January 7, 2016 at 9:24 am #967887
Hey guys, I got a Blushing Fawn for Christmas, and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO NAME HER! She’s going to be a girl (obviously) but that’s about all I know so far, human names are okay, but I really like unique names :) Thanks! Jesus loves you!
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January 8, 2016 at 9:07 am #968024
hey there @hollow79! :D Congrats on the new webkinz! She sounds so cool and cute! :D imma try to help you with some names! Here are a few: Aurora, Azalea, Julina, Olexa, Felicity, Mystique, Posy, Geneva, Verona, Zaria, Catalina, Guinevere, Nuva, Escalade, Tahari :) ~PJ5
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January 9, 2016 at 5:34 pm #968239
I like the name Felicity! Thanks princejackson! Jesus loves you!
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January 10, 2016 at 9:31 am #968319
Awww so glad you like the name Felicity!! XD I got it from a tv show I watch called Arrow. I’m glad I could help :) Enjoy your new webkinz!! :D ~PJ5
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December 29, 2015 at 8:32 am #966401
Hey everybody! So, I got some Webkinz for Christmas, and two of them don’t have definite names yet. I’ve got a female Grey Arabian, and a male Signature Hippopotamus. One of the names I’m considering for the Grey Arabian is “Argenta”, because it sounds pretty good, and it means “silver”, but I’m not settled on it yet. I don’t have anything for the Hippo, but please nothing too common. I usually use human names, but, occasionally, if I find something different that I like, I’ll use it.
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December 30, 2015 at 3:42 pm #966992
Oooh, I like Argenta for your Grey Arabian! Hm, well maybe an African name for your Hippo? Alrighty, I’ll list some for ya XD Chipo meaning: Present Jabari meaning: Courageous Jelani meaning: Full of strength Nomusa meaning: Filled with compassion Nuru meaning: Filled with light Zaire meaning: river If you didn’t want an African name, here are some others, Bam, Basil, Bea, Zou, Bindy, Tess, Tiny, Tyco, or, Elsie. Gee, now that I think of it, coming up with hippo names is hard. >.< Heh, I actually just went on a site that listed a bunch of “exotic pet names” annnd a site that listed African names.
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December 31, 2015 at 9:28 am #967017
Hm…. Well, I’m definitely not gonna give him a female name. :P I think he’s not really the type to have an African name… Although I’m not sure of his personality, I’ve got something vague in mind, but I can’t really articulate it. And yeah, hippos really are hard to name. ( ; >_<)ゞ And I think I probably will name the Grey Arabian “Argenta”.
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December 31, 2015 at 9:28 am #967018
Wait, what do you think of the names “Holden” or “Dover” for the Hippo? I forgot to mention that in my previous comment. (“^-^)
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December 27, 2015 at 9:19 am #966223
So I just got a Siberian husky for Christmas, and an oatmeal pup, and an American cocker spaniel :) anyone have names?:) all girls btw.
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December 28, 2015 at 10:01 am #966287
Okay, I’ll start with the Siberian Husky: Anya, Ashton, Astrid, Brina, Breeze, Dakota, December, Eclipse, Glacier, Glaze, Mika, Mishka, Nikita, Sonja, Tasha, or Tundra. For the Oatmeal Pup: Avena (a drink made with stewed oatmeal; also the genus of the common oat), Brose (an uncooked form of porridge), Cookie, Oatcake, Porridge, or Skirlie (a dish made with oatmeal). And lastly, for the American Cocker Spaniel: Bailey, Clair, Dolly, Ginger, Jess, Lexi, Miley, Sandy, or Sunny. Hope this helps!
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January 3, 2016 at 8:33 am #967488
Thank you so much :) I really like avena for some reason:))
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January 3, 2016 at 10:02 pm #967523
You’re welcome! Avena may be the genus of the common oat, but it sure isn’t a common name…! :D Yeah, I liked Avena, Brose, Oatcake, and Skirlie the best for the Oatmeal Pup. Which is actually most of the names I suggested. I hope you find names for all your new Webkinz soon!
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