What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #879520


      Is there any cheap ways to buy webkinz signatures ……. because most are like 154$ seriously that much like really?

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      • #879734


        I know a lot of online stores that sell them for less; I usually buy my Webkinz on Amazon. Also, I hate to be a stick in the mud, but could you ask questions in the “Questions” threads? It keeps the forums more organized, and people will answer your questions more quickly if they’re in the right location. Thanks!

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      • #883487


        Check 5 below, mine has like 5 dollar Smaller Signatures. :)

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      • #888587


        I’ve heard some Hallmarks have them, and our 5 Below has some for only 5 dollars! Way better than 154 dollars! lol! And Amazon has some, some of them are pretty cheap but most puppies are expensive. Siggies anyway. Hope I helped a little even though I was late…

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        • #888588


          Wait a minute, I already replyed…sorry about that!! lol!

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    2. #879491



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    3. #879467

      Um does anyone know names for a lil peanut pup and a gingerbread puppy when i get one?

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      • #879476


        hello, Genelle! My webkinz names are: Boys: James (POTM October 2013, Carmel (candy maple moose), Bdog (Dashund), Bryan (Lizard), Jack (welshi corgi), The Painter (colorsplash tiger), The Nerd (charming rat) Ice ( white polar bear POTM), Bamboo (panda) and Chow Chow (Chow Chow) GIRLS: Bubblegum ( Candy themed gelato Parrot), Lacey (Bull dog), Molly (sig pomerainian), SnowAngel (lamb), Another Snowangel (Persian white cat), Gracie (blonde cockapoo), Abigail ( Gray horse POTM), Mary (lil kinz black poodle),Winter (husky),Grayson (velvety elephant), Starry Night (starry stallion), Fanta (soda pup),Faith (chimpanzee), Hope (Cheeky Bunny), Grace (spring celebration bunny), and Rosalinia (batik elephant). Hope you like! -Gracie If want to add me User is : Gracie10294

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        • #879493


          Hai webkinz lovers! I am New and recently created an account on webkinz. From my perspective its awesome but I have a few suggestions that im going to post on suggestions. Anyways, I would love to meet some new pals and so will my pink zebra Fab. Could someone that’s been playing for awhile, tell me if you enjoyed it, Thanks. Remember: Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Love from Fab and I.

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      • #879733


        Congratulations on your (almost) new pets! If you want some peppy, cute names for your Peanut Pup, some good picks are Bubbles, Pixie, Sunshine, or Jubilee. If you want more traditional names, then Hilary, Daisy, or Patty are pretty upbeat. For your Gingerbread Puppy, I like the candy-themed names Cinnamon, Bonbon, Minty, Sugar, or Snickerdoodle. Some fitting traditional names would be Noel, Chris/Chrissy, or Gigi. I hope you find these useful! :)

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        • #880061

          Thanks for the great names im hoping to get a lil peanut pup soon ive been wanting one since it came out and the gingerbread puppy im hoping to get too

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          • #880196


            No problem! I’ll always be there if you need more names. :)

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            • #880429

              Do you know any snow soft cat names? i might get one of those some time when they come out

            • #880442


              Well, if you want some cute and upbeat names, I like Sugar, Puck, Peppy, Frostbite, Piper, Mittens, or Pixie. If you prefer more elegant names, then Snowfall, Winter, Sapphire, Pristine, Velvet, Crystal, Aurora, or Zephyr will do nicely. Some conventional names that I think are fitting are Millie, Kiki, Mimi, Leona, or Ramona. I hope you like them!

    4. #879347


      all brill names thanks everyone who suggests me names thank you

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      • #881667


        You’re welcome! :)

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    5. #878918

      What should I name the gingerbread puppy when I get it? I like gumdrop but I need more options

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      • #879013


        Gumdrop is an adorable name! I also like Cinnamon, Biscut, Minty, Noel, Bonbon, and Chris. I hope you like them, too! :)

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      • #879486

        For your gingerbread puppy:) Cinnamon sugar, Sweetstuff, Gigibread, Nutmeg, Creme de Ginger, Sugar Rush, and Choco are all good names :) also you can try these names which are more traditional, Emily, Samantha, Delilah, or Gianna. Some boys names would be Chase, Taggart, Dillon, or Chance. Also some weird names I came up with, Delicacy, Sugancane, Jingle, Chimera, Cassidy Cookie, or Danilla Vanilla:)

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      • #883998


        I like Ginger

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