What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #858297

    Key Master
    1. #881533

      Well I always like the name Hankie Pankie. (sorry it sounds stupid.)

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      • #881637


        No, it’s not stupid. It’s funny and unique! Just because it’s not a conventional name doesn’t make it bad. I rather like that name. :)

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      • #883730


        well I think lovie would be a good name

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    2. #881508


      OMG! HELP ME! i just got a Pink & White Cat and i have NO IDEA what to name her!!!! I like the name Missy but i still want some other ideas. She’s been sitting there for two days with me not adopting her, I’m very picky about names i just want it to be unique. Please no people names (a few though) i like mythical names better. Thanks!

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      • #881518


        I think Missy’s an adorable name! But since you said you wanted exotic names, here are a few: Tourmaline, Felicia (I know you said that you didn’t want people names, but this one sounds kind of pretty; besides, it sounds like “felis”, which is Latin for “cat”), Stardust, Skyflower, Bastet, Persia, Sphinx, Opal, Trinket, Aurora, Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter, Athena (oh, you get the pattern, any Greek goddess will do), and Velvet. I know you said you wanted “mythical” names, and I did add a few names inspired from different mythologies (like Bastet, the Greek goddesses, and Sphinx), but the others are mostly exotic names that struck my fancy. I hope you like them!

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      • #881526

        Well I think great names would be Princess Fru-fru, Majesty, Magenta, Pinkydoodle, Shylynn, Whimsaline, Angelcake, Buttercream, Fresaline or Fresalyn (derived from the Spanish word for strawberry), Madame Puffball or Madame Pink, Lavender, Amaranth, Adaldrida, Tourmaline, Zirconia, Alexandrite, and Opal. Hope you found one you like!

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        • #881616


          Haha, you’ve commented on nearly all the comment threads that I’ve posted in! What a weird coincidence. :)

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    3. #880885

      ok so i now have some names for my mystical purple hedgehog but i would like you guys to vote on one thanks :) so either prickles, amethyst, stella, Hazel ( from the fault in our stars) or Elsa (obviously from frozen) i know the last 2 names really dont relate to the pet but i just love those names :) so plmk or if you guys have a better name plmk

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      • #880912

        I would say Anethyst because I think it’s a beautiful name! Elsa would be more suiting for an icy pet in my opinion. And I really don’t like the name Hazel sorry! The other names are just there for me. But in my opinion Amethyst :)

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    4. #880671

      Ice Blue, Rain, Lake, River, Doe, Skye, Rainbow, Minty, Charm, Peachy, Apple, Dancer, Icefire dancer, Fruity, Taffy, Jumpster,

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    5. #879779


      not my fault I’m new

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      • #879790


        Of course not; I’m not mad at you or anything. Just a tip in case you needed it. :)

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      • #879853

        It’s ok don’t feel bad:) this is a popular thread so it makes sense that you’d want to ask us:) if the question was really that off topic it wouldn’t have been posted for us to read. Everything always gets modified first ya know?:) I’m always glad to make a new friend and if you need names please let me know!

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