What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #856106

      Snow, I saw your tag. I’ll send from both my accounts ASAP.

    2. #856100


      Oh and my personality matches my Sig Bengal Cats. I love him so much!! -Atom

      • #856247

        Hey atom I saw you in the trading room 2 with him yesterday I was the Batik Elephant Lilly.

        • #856468


          I was trying to trade with your batik elephant but you were busy and it wouldn’t let me. Always next time?-Atom

          • #856888

            XD I tried inviting you to trade. It’s been glitching. I was exited when I was going to the trading room 2 and freaking out when you were in there….. also for your other post, thanks I love the Pink and white cat. The name actually comes from a show named “Fraiser” Also where Eddie and Simon can from.-Snow

        • #856961


          Hey GG, thanks for inviting me to the party. I love the candy from that room and was thrilled to get that, I only had one so far. Can’t wait for the new forums, hope that are better and faster. Take care, DF

          • #857462

            Thanks for coming. I was exited to have you and Atom there. When the forums come out will be able to talk more. I CAN NEVER FIND YOU. I always want to say thanks but can’t find you. Ninja

      • #856282

        I like that signature! :mrgreen:

        • #856469


          Thank you! Also it is my only signature as well. That makes him even more special to me!!-Atom

    3. #856036

      Sweetzie I invited atom here, don’t know if my post went though there. Let you know later got to do school work

      • #856099


        Hi Snow! I am here! I missed you so much since my forum went wrong. Hi Sweetcupcake I missed you too. I got your invitation to your party and accepted it and will try my best to make. However anything is possible because my mom will just be getting back from surgery and we might have to go to a store at 9 CT or 10KT. I hope i can make it. I got a lot of school work too and I will have even more next year as a sophomore. My days of playing when I get home are over. TTYS_Atom

        • #856230

          Atom, tell your mum to feel better for me (or show her this post) Well if you can make it you can if you can’t you can’t. I understand stuff comes up. And also sweetzie (sweetcupcake) What I said to atom was that I missed him and that if he needed to talk to you or me he could come here.

          • #856272


            I missed you too. You are one of my best friends on the site. I have like 12 good regular friends. Has anyone seen Gold? She was my first real friend on the site. I am starting to miss her. Thanks and so are the Heart Tarts a PSI or regular food? Just asking because I don’t want anyone in my pet family to get sick. If not I was going to keep one and give one to Aqua as a treat. I have some food for you Snow and will send ASAP. I hope you need them for your collection. I traded for them. Happy Valentine’s Day!-Atom

            • #856340

              Thanks for coming. You and dogfish were there. I was the pink and white cat. Dogfish was the red velvet racoon and you were the love frog. Okay maybe you didn’t need to know what you were.

            • #856459

              Hi Atom! :D I wish GW didn’t remove your UNH2 topic. :( I was very sad when I saw it gone. I found Gold, but I didn’t tell her what forum we are temporarily using until new ones can be made. Should I tell her? As for the sweet heart tart…it’s the love puppy PSF, so don’t feed it. ;) I can cook and send some recipe food for Aqua to eat though, if you want. :) Do you collect PSF? My list is on my topic ”SC’s Food Cart” if you’re interested. Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

            • #856470


              I assumed that it was me, you, and Dogfish. The only other would be Lamb, Mom, or Becky. Sweetcupcake are you deluxe? I had a one out of four chance and I think I saw DF with that pet and name before and it wasn’t hard. I knew what I was the love frog. So by the process of elimination I figured out you were the very cute Pink&White Cat!! What was your favorite item of furniture at the party? Mine was that piano. Did you like the food?-Atom

            • #856482

              It’s love puppy psf. I have not seen gold I can tell you in a little bit where she’s mostly hanging out

            • #856887

              Atom I loved the piano. Mostly for the music. But I would =have to say the plant

      • #856105

        I guess this will be a temporary talking forum until GW is done changing the forums around, then someone can make a new one. :)

      • #856114


    4. #855731

      Snow, I just got your invitation and I won’t be able to come. :( My family will have company over the next two days, so I won’t be on. Sunday or Monday, you might find me online. Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #856043

        Thats fine, how about we schedule a party for you and I for a late Valentines Day party.

    5. #855677

      Hi Snow! We could talk on here or Pet Talk. Either one: I don’t mind. Maybe both? I’ll try to find him and the others and tell them. If you already told them though, PLMK. I will probably make another talk forum( I might call it Username History 3 or something if his UNH2 doesn’t come back ) after Ganz is done changing the forums because they( Ganz ) said not to make anything until they’re done because it won’t go through, so unfortunately…we have to wait. :cry:

      • #856044

        Yeah, I am doing both forums pet talk and here. I put a post on pet talk a while ago

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