What signature pet are you? :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives What signature pet are you? :)

This topic contains 589 replies, has 41 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #812189

    Hi! In honor of the very spectacular signature pets, I decided to create this forum. :D Just list your personality, favorite color/s, favorite foods, hobbies, and your favorite animal/s, and I will tell you which signature series pet I think you resemble the most as soon as possible. Your result may be a regular signature, small signature, or endangered species pet. In case you’re wondering, mine is the signature bernese mountain dog, because it’s personality is similar to mine. ;) Have fun!

    1. #856321

      I just finished Super Mario Bros Wii today!!! :mrgreen: So excited!!!

      • #856483

        I am almost done with that game. okay I am at the beggining of world 8 but still. also for the couch I had no idea I was just making up KC but you can use it so………….

      • #856532

        Since you told me that you love Super Mario Galaxy, I think I’m going to try that next. :)

        • #856971

          My parents saw that game( galaxy ) at Costco and tried to buy it( this was when it was released ) but they were all gone. :( Here’s what happened. The way that store sells games is where you buy a cardboard picture of it, take it to the cashier, then an employee has to go in the back and get the real game( so ppl don’t steal ). However, when we took the fake to the cashier to buy one, they didn’t have any in the back( they didn’t stock up ). :oops: That’s why I don’t have it. :( When you mentioned that you like it, I remembered that game and looked it up on Amazon( I hope my parents order it ). :D

          • #857504

            That sucks. Check at a local game stop for a pre-owned one.

            • #857759

              We did, but Amazon is cheaper. ;) Plus I rather have a brand new one.

            • #858159

              okay, I just look for deals. Lmk when you get it.

      • #856533

        my favorite world was world 8 even though it was the hardest. :oops:

        • #856880

          mine was world 3. I love the penguin suit. also nice choice for super mario galaxy.

        • #856972

          Which do you prefer…airship, castle, or haunted house? I like the air ship the most because I love the theme for it. I can’t get it out of my head. :lol: EPICNESS!!!

          • #857149

            I love the castles.

          • #859901


            Airship, but the Castle levels are pretty close. And yeah, I do like the Airship music; it’s reminiscent of Gustav Holst’s “Mars, Bringer of War” (well, the beginning, anyways). I think SMG2 did a remix of it, but I can’t remember.

        • #856973

          Here’s my list of the 8 worlds in the order I like them the most: 8, 7, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 6 My favorite new power ups that they added were the propeller mushroom, and the penguin( so cute!!! ).

      • #857491

        yay that game is fun! My brothers are trying to beat world 9 (you unlock it if you get all the star coins in a world, and there are 8 boards, one for each world , and the boards are SO hard) and we had Mario galaxy but one of my brothers scratched it so it won’t play (it’s pretty fun, but not my type of game I guess) My favorite Mario game is Super Mario 64 (I have it on DS don’t know if there’s a Wii version) yeah even though I’m a girl I LOVE video Games :lol: also like Mario Party 8 (another game that my brothers ruined , but some of the mini games are still playable (some=keyword ) )

        • #857555

          XD well I am currently working on beating world 8-1 in super mario bros. Wii. I have all the games you listed. :lol: Also this has now become a talking forum until the new forums come out.

        • #857760

          I LOVE World 9! :D I only unlocked the first board in it though. :( I’m bad at finding the hidden star coins. I’ll unlock all of them eventually.

    2. #856305

      Hi Snow! :D Thank you for the couch! :mrgreen: That’s actually my favorite couch in the store. Have a sweet day!~Sweetzie

    3. #856283


    4. #856180

      Snow, I sent all the PSF. :)

      • #856261

        Thanks I felt it would be great to send everyone a rare love puppy psf for Valentines day. I realized that they have gone down in price, but if I see one in my local thrift store without code that would be great cause then I would know if I liked it. I want webkinz with codes because even if the code is used, in the futer they will be a collectors Item so if they have a code with them great for a collector to have with a code.

        • #856467


          Thanks for the PSI! I put it in my fridge. It was so cute. I also enjoyed your party. Thanks for that fun as well! I always look for webkinz at my Thrift Store because sometimes you may get lucky. -Atom

          • #856503

            Also I have found a webkinz in the thrift store with a code. his name is willie.

    5. #856178


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