what signatures do u have and how many?

Home Forums Pets – Archives what signatures do u have and how many?

This topic contains 20 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  FixItFelixFan9344 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #835025

    i was just wondering ;) i list mine in the order as of i got them. the signature deer,the signature miniature dachshund, the signature beagle,the signature snow leopard,the signature Pomeranian. so i have a total of five signatures! that`s all for now bey guys! ~meemersandboo~

    1. #861525

      I love signatures to pieces — and they’re pretty much all the Webkinz I have. I have four: Francesco (a Dama Gazelle), Sage (a Red Panda), Addison (a Red Wolf), and Kendall (an Arctic Hare). I have my eyes on quite a few others… they’re just so beautiful and so so well-made! I hope they eventually bring them back, or at least rerelease the ones that are crazy rare like the Pomeranian :)

    2. #859940

      Hey! I only have one Sig who’s a Short Haired Yorkie named Heather and she’s probably my favorite Webkinz! I actually bought a Sig Border Terrier off Ebay and it’s on the way to me in the mail and is supposed to be here tomorrow. Idk if it’s gonna be a boy or a girl but I have a few different names picked out and I’ll post here again to let ya know what I’m gonna call he/she. alysdancer8849

    3. #856472


      I have a black lab named Shimmer. I lost that account but still snuggle with the animal because I had a black lab named Shimmer that died :(

    4. #856365


      i have a sig Deer named blitzen and a dama gazelle named hazelnut!! and i really want the sig moose and endangered mountain cape zebra !!!

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