Which pets do you think ganz should make plush?

Home Forums eStore – Archives Which pets do you think ganz should make plush?

This topic contains 26 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Queenelsaofarrendele 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #800244


    Hey guys! so I am thinking about ganz making more online pets plush! which ones do you think would be easy? example: Gypsy vanner Which ones do you wish could be plush? example: Flora MAZIN’ hamster ( yes mazin hamsters count ) do you think they should make special sticker packs and codes to get estore items for free? Please let me know!

    1. #829073


      THE PINK GREYHOUND THE PINK GREYHOUND THE PINK GREYHOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a whippet, which is like a smaller greyhound. Her name is Winnie! She’s soooooooooooo cute!!! <3 <3

      • #829871


        I think it would be pretty easy…. They could just take some pink and white like what they did for the pink and white cat (Without fuzz) Sorry if you don’t get me… Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m saying…………………………… :D

    2. #827621


      I’d love the Blue Whale to be made into a plush version!

    3. #814907


      TRADING! FALL MYSTERY BAG ITEMS ! Gemstone Chair Fabulous Feathers Sofa Autumn Colors Pool and rainy day machine WBKNZ I.D IS chelsea506 lets me know on here what you are trading , thanks! chelsea506

      • #827396


        Do you mean they make little surprise bags that have mystery code items that you register online OR you could enter the code on the bag and the others won’t work BUT you get the same items. The gemstone chair could be a chair made of fake plastic gemstone, and the rainy day machine could be a fake machine that produces real water and then there is a drain, I don’t know what the rainy day machine looks like though:( If that IS what you mean, than I think it would be a pretty cool idea too! Thanks!

    4. #810161


      also maybe they could make little stockings and they could be decorated like the ones at the estore and they could have little plushies of the little things inside of them that you can take out and they should make it so that when you enter in the code then you get that estore stocking (Or if you are REALLY lucky you could get a stocking AND a Christmas cracker. Please comment if you like my idea Thanks! ~SnowFluff’sChannel196~

    5. #810159


      I also think that maybe like they could make little hamster balls that can open for your mazin hamsters and if it is one hamsters design then you would get that hamster and if it was a design with ALL the series one hamster designs the you get to choose the series one hamster you want (Same thing with two, holiday, and estore). I also think that maybe if it has ALL the hamsters on one ball at once then you can choose ANY hamster you want EVEN CHILI!

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