Who is up for this neon tutu challenge now that we have a new hint

Home Forums Games – Archives Who is up for this neon tutu challenge now that we have a new hint

This topic contains 42 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  bethcat10 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #794850


    We need people to work on finding clothing combinations that add up to 236KC. The hint said the item is made up of items that are the tutu’s resale value (118) times two……I think we should do like chilly was doing and divide it up somehow- any ideas or helpers available- I would love it if chilly would take this forum over and tell everyone what to do——are you listening haha

    1. #864505


      also maybe the clown wig is in it?

    2. #864499


      you should check the new webkinz clothing shop because i saw a blue dress that says it is a blast from the past

    3. #864385


      i know the recpie

    4. #862366

      What’s the new hint?! I need that tutu!

    5. #859520


      I have a small problem with the hint. If they said that the items used make up a value of 236, then we should be paying more attention to prices, right? Well, most of the items in the KinzStyle Outlet are priced in multiples of 10 and 5. So that makes me wonder… Where does that 1 Kinzcash over 235 come from? I went through the entire store but the only items old enough that could possibly throw off the price are the Boy’s Plaid Shirt, Get Cracking Top, Denim Romp Wear and Pink Jersey Dress. However, the Boy’s Plaid Shirt is the only item priced low enough to use in a Clothing Recipe. So the question is, do we have the right number or are they wrong?

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