Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

This topic contains 96 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cutie135 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #777502


    Hey!! I’m back! I’ve decided since it’s summer, I am going to start a trading forum! And I have been collecting priceless and more over time since my old forum, Happy Trading. I have also been collecting birthstone pets and their gemsters with them…..just to give you a clue of what I have in store! I also have been collecting from Webkinz Friends on the iPad too! So tell me what you would like and what you have a you’re set to trade! I will post a trading list in a bit, since it’s sooooo long.

    1. #778806

      Do you have the fairy princess ball gown?

      • #779361


        I do; what do you have to trade for it? :)

      • #779465


        I think I have the fairy princess ball gown…not sure where it is. I will try to find it. Can you make a list of what you have to offer for it? Thanks!

        • #783760


          fairy ball gown tigerkitten14 i might have it

      • #779468


        I do, but I’m not sure where it is.

    2. #778752


      AWESOME! I love trading

    3. #778413

      do you have the alexandrite or aquamarine gemster? or fairy den dress? the only promo i have is full ketchup….not very cool i know lol but i have some other items for trade too. is there anything in paticular that you are looking for?

      • #779464


        Sorry, I don’t have the dress and my gemsters aren’t for trade…so sorry. I am trying to collect them before they retire…..I was trying to give everyone an example of what I got over time since I was on Webkinz News. I am interested in your full ketchup! Can you make a wish list so I can see what I have for it? Thanks!

        • #781234

          sorry i just posted a list asking if u had any gemsters before i saw this lol those are pretty much the only things on my wishlist do u have a trade list :)

    4. #778378


      Hey snowy, do you happen to have any furniture from Webkinz cares? Thanks, Cruisingal

      • #779461


        Yes, I have furniture from Webkinz Cares. Anything in particular you need?

    5. #778229


      Do you by any chance happen to have the Aquamarine Gemster?

      • #779463


        Yes, but it’s not for trade, sorry. To everyone- I was only trying to mention some things that I got over time-however I am looking for the emerald gemster because I got that pet before gemsters came out. Sorry for the confusion…I do have so much more to offer though! Thanks for understanding!

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