Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

This topic contains 96 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cutie135 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #777502


    Hey!! I’m back! I’ve decided since it’s summer, I am going to start a trading forum! And I have been collecting priceless and more over time since my old forum, Happy Trading. I have also been collecting birthstone pets and their gemsters with them…..just to give you a clue of what I have in store! I also have been collecting from Webkinz Friends on the iPad too! So tell me what you would like and what you have a you’re set to trade! I will post a trading list in a bit, since it’s sooooo long.

    1. #779736


      Who needs full elephant, seashell shoes, shuts, torn, winged piano, rockerz puppy psi?

    2. #780394

      I would lke stuff from the Palace Princess theme. And MAYBE Victorian garden not sure yet but definatly Palace Princess theme~Texas Girl. PS i do not need the neo gothic wallpaper anymore

      • #781181


        I have all palace princess theme and pretty much all victorian theme.

    3. #779492


      Hey…as I am going through my house I am finding some things you guys might be interested in: horseshoe fireplace, heated hound hot tub, VIP booth, personal rainforest sauna, Neo Gothic closet+TV+dresser, series 3 trading cards couch+toy box+ posters (many posters), fox cabinet (not sure if I want to trade it..maybe only because I like it in the room it’s in now), rainforest sleeping bag (not sure also), tennis ball launcher, retired items from the goober’s lab theme, Rocking recording booth, Halloween items, hide-and-go burrow, goober’s glasses, ice cream super beds, puppy picnic table, patchwork sofa, rare palace princess items, many rare Victorian garden theme items, some Christmas items, snow globe chair, stone car (from the stone age theme), plasma peace sign. LMK what you like and what you offer for it! Thanks!

      • #780364


        Hi again snowy. It’s ok if you already traded the hula, but could you maybe list what other priceless clothes you have? Also, off your new list could you list (sorry about all the lists :P) what retired items from Goobers theme, Halloween items and Christmas items? Thanks, LT

        • #781180


          Hey…I have full elephant, full rock, santa pants, aqua belt, and that’s pretty much it….I have pretty much all Halloween items, Christmas wallpaper, Christmas floor, and the buildings and fountain and tree from the Christmas theme.

          • #781232


            Ok well if you have all the Halloween and Christmas items I will make a list to let you know which ones I need. By the way I will start with Halloween :P
            Monster’s Lair Gate
            Haunted House Flooring & wallpaper
            Ghostly Urn
            Gargoyle Lamp
            Cat costume
            Witch’s Brew Stove
            Phantom Trophy Pedestal
            Creepy Bed
            Giant Spider Dining Table
            Haunted Dungeon Gate
            Mausoleum Television
            Gargoyle Chair
            Crystal Advisor Ball
            Coffee Table Tomb
            Black ninja costume
            Gargoyle Book Shelf
            Gargoyle Desk
            Gargoyle Sofa
            Haunted Organ
            All Hallows’ Stove
            Chilling Lanterns Lamp
            Haunted Creatures Flooring & Haunted house wallpaper
            Jack-o-Side Table
            Jack O’Chair
            Haunted Refrigerator
            Monster Claws Door
            Sorry the list is so long lol. Please let me know if you have any though. Thanks, LT

            • #783905


              Hi sorry it took so long to get back to you….I have most of those items so just list three that you need and would you trade a couple PSI for them?

    4. #779467


      Hey everyone….I was trying to reply to everyone and the page didn’t show that I did so that’s why you might see something over and over again. I already traded my hula before I saw that you wanted it LambTyler…I do have priceless clothes though..what would you like in specific? Angelgirldog-I don’t have the neo gothic wallpaper, but I will try to find it for you! To anyone who wants to add me, my username is the same as my Webkinz News username.

    5. #779310


      whit wood you traed for it?

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