Wz, Melody, and Elf hat for trade here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Wz, Melody, and Elf hat for trade here!

This topic contains 32 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  kitkat3133 11 years, 11 months ago.

  • Author
  • #735850


    Here is my want list. Vampiress, swirl, plumpy, swim, charm, elf shoes, lily, licorice, over the rainbow slide, cat costume, promo, priceless, hippos shoes. Open to offers.

    1. #737986

      Kitkat, OMG you wouldn’t belive how many replies i sent on my forum! U posted…. It may take a very long time for them all to post. JSYK. ~Be the fudge

    2. #737840


      Look for your username in caps. FOREST: sorry I traded wz. BECKY: well, I think your offer is really good. I would take your offer. LMK__ If I missed anyone let me know.

    3. #737338


      kitkat3133, I take it you decided to pass on my offer? To refresh your memory I offered Licorice Dress, Lily Dress and Charm Tiara for your Melody. I do have other Promo as well. PLMK, so I know not to bother you. I don’t like being a pest ; ) lol.

      • #737829


        Hey Becky, do you really need that, PLMK I have some also. I’ll take that trade if you agree, I love being a pest, LOL LMK bff, C

    4. #737363


      hey kitkat, what do you want for the wz jeans. I don’t have priceless or promo, so please don’t say that. please

    5. #737467


      Now that newz is back up and running i am back on. List is still the same.

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