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I have a question for Webkinz Next When is the town hall going to be available?
I have some suggestions for Webkinz Next Everyone wants a trading area so we can trade or sell stuff on Wshop store that we don’t need or want. We need a pet poodle so we can spark a golden retriever and a poodle to make a Baby Golden Doodle and for Christmas we need a Santakinz in the Cafe and the party theme room on Webkinz Next.
I have a Suggestion for Webkinz Next I want to send stuff to friends or sell stuff in the Wshop. Also have jobs and for Christmas this year have a Santakinz in Cafe and have Free Diamonds. Now Webkinz Classic Have Free Estore and more stuff to do because I have a tablet so I wanted to see more stuff like the Wish factory,job, kinzstyle,club house, more games on the Classic and the Today’s Activitys on Classic