Forum Replies Created
January 26, 2013 at 3:38 pm in reply to: Names for your webkinz in under 10 minutes! ~LoveWebkinzForeverGirl~ #707489
I REALLY need a name for my female American Albino! I dont want bland names like Snow. I want names with real creativity and imagination. I was thinking about the name Sugar…
Hey Traderz! ILY (webkinz user- Silverheart123) here, and I am desperately in need of some furniture(the more feminine the better, it’s for my little white terrier dog)! I have some exclusives and some PSI items up for trade, anyone interested! If so, here’s what I got: Exclusive/Rare—>Topsy Turvy Window>Riding the Rails Train>Antique wishing Well>4-Wheel ATV >Antique Fashion Mirror>Yellow Plasma Ball>Desert Window? PSI—>Milk Truck(cow)>Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter(white terrier)>Buried Bone Fridge(cocker sp.) >Googles Gem Zen Garden(pink googles) Random—>Honeys Honey Jar>Giant Zingoz Plushy>Peridot Birthstone Gem Lamp>Golden Dragon Statue Clothes—>Camping Outfit>Striped Board Shorts>Superstar Shirt>Beautiful Blue Ball Gown>Gift Box Shoes(seasonal) ps# i <3 superbeds!
:) Hey Traderz! ILY (webkinz user- Silverheart123) here, and I am desperately in need of some furniture(the more feminine the better, it’s for my little white terrier dog)! I have some exclusives and some PSI items up for trade, anyone interested! If so, here’s what I got: Exclusive/Rare—>Topsy Turvy Window>Riding the Rails Train>Antique wishing Well>4-Wheel ATV >Antique Fashion Mirror>Yellow Plasma Ball>Desert Window? PSI—>Milk Truck(cow)>Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter(white terrier)>Buried Bone Fridge(cocker sp.) >Googles Gem Zen Garden(pink googles) Random—>Honeys Honey Jar>Giant Zingoz Plushy>Peridot Birthstone Gem Lamp>Golden Dragon Statue Clothes—>Camping Outfit>Striped Board Shorts>Superstar Shirt>Beautiful Blue Ball Gown>Gift Box Shoes(seasonal) ps# i <3 superbeds!
Hey Traderz! ILY (webkinz user- Silverheart123) here, and I am desperately in need of some furniture(the more feminine the better, it’s for my little white terrier dog)! I have some exclusives and some PSI items up for trade, anyone interested! If so, here’s what I got: Exclusive/Rare—>Topsy Turvy Window>Riding the Rails Train>Antique wishing Well>4-Wheel ATV >Antique Fashion Mirror>Yellow Plasma Ball>Desert Window? PSI—>Milk Truck(cow)>Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter(white terrier)>Buried Bone Fridge(cocker sp.) >Googles Gem Zen Garden(pink googles) Random—>Honeys Honey Jar>Giant Zingoz Plushy>Peridot Birthstone Gem Lamp>Golden Dragon Statue Clothes—>Camping Outfit>Striped Board Shorts>Superstar Shirt>Beautiful Blue Ball Gown>Gift Box Shoes(seasonal) ps# i <3 superbeds!
i hae lots of psi, and if you dont want psi i will offer you the breakfeast super bed, but i aslo have the wishing well,
Hi Webkinz Traderz! I am willing to trade for exclusives, rares, and other things but especialy…. SUPERBEDS!
This is what I have:PSI:
Cocker Spaniel
Polka back fish
pink googlesExclusives:
four wheeler
fashion mirrorLMK if anyone wants to trade! Thanx for reading! Audious fellow Traderz!
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-09 at 01:39 PM
I finally got there. Thanks for the trade :)
Your Welcome! If your ever wondering, I chose the pagean princess bed, and… I… LOVE IT!!!! Thank You so much and I hope we can trade again sometime, because i have a lot of PSI and if you scroll up you can see where I posted a list! Thanks again!!
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-09 at 12:55 PM
ILY wrote on 2012-07-09 at 12:41 PM
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:03 PM
ILY wrote on 2012-07-07 at 10:38 PM
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:42 PM
ILY did we trade in the trading room a few minutes ago? Were you a pink pony? Someone came up and asked for a superbed and put the perch up. Wasn’t sure if it was you or not. I have more super beds and will take another perch if it wasn’t you. LOLSorry poobearz but it wasn’t me! Please contact me tommorrow so we can schedule a trade time and trade the perch! Thnx!
~ILYThat’s ok I was pretty sure it wasn’t you by the ID. I’m sure it was someone else that reads here and wanted in on the deal. Which is perfectly ok with me. I’ll stop back by tomorrow and we’ll get together at the trading room to finish our trade.
Thanksalright, Im on PooBear! LMK if u want to trade anytime soon! THNX!
~ILYOh I just logged off a few minutes ago. Let me log back on. My computer is being slow today so it may take a minute. What was your ID again? and what zone do you want to meet in? KC or KC+?
lets meet in kc, see ya in a min.!!
I have lots of PSI if anyone is interested…
cow-milk truck
cocker spaniel-bone fridge
white tiger-perch
polka back fish-friendly anename stoveexclusive items…
antique fashion mirrorthnx-a-bunches! (lmk if u want to trade)
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 11:03 PM
ILY wrote on 2012-07-07 at 10:38 PM
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:42 PM
ILY did we trade in the trading room a few minutes ago? Were you a pink pony? Someone came up and asked for a superbed and put the perch up. Wasn’t sure if it was you or not. I have more super beds and will take another perch if it wasn’t you. LOLSorry poobearz but it wasn’t me! Please contact me tommorrow so we can schedule a trade time and trade the perch! Thnx!
~ILYThat’s ok I was pretty sure it wasn’t you by the ID. I’m sure it was someone else that reads here and wanted in on the deal. Which is perfectly ok with me. I’ll stop back by tomorrow and we’ll get together at the trading room to finish our trade.
Thanksalright, Im on PooBear! LMK if u want to trade anytime soon! THNX!
I am thrilled that you love the sauna! Thank You for going through the trouble to help me! I love the bed, and it goes PERFECT in my candy room, (i also have a big house) and my next pet will be my tenth and I will sonn trade and get another one, so, yeah, why dont they make themes to go with the super beds? THEY DONT MATCH ANYTHING!! and if they do match it is something wierd, like the wizard theme or something! LOLZ! I would do the bed of roses, but I already have a bed for my flowers theme, and I REALLY want a pageant princess bed or jewelry box bed but I dont know of anything to match!! WHY!! (lol)
Your Friend,
~ILYpoobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:42 PM
ILY did we trade in the trading room a few minutes ago? Were you a pink pony? Someone came up and asked for a superbed and put the perch up. Wasn’t sure if it was you or not. I have more super beds and will take another perch if it wasn’t you. LOL
Sorry poobearz but it wasn’t me! Please contact me tommorrow so we can schedule a trade time and trade the perch! Thnx!
nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:42 PM
ILY wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:04 PM
Nutty Buddy,
I left because u werent there, then when I left and u went in the room was full AGAIN!! LOL! Thats really funny!
~ILYI know it was a crazy time trying to do that lol thats why i normally do kinz post lolz
Thanks for the trade! hope you enjoy your bed box!! Did you pick a bed yet?
NBI did pick a bed! I picked the banana split one to go in my candy room! When I get my next pet it will be my tenth so I will get another! It will either be a pageant princess bed or a jewelry box bed to go in a super girly room I’m tryin to make! But I haven’t started yet bc it’s hard to find themes to go with th beds to if u had any themes that go good with any of the beds please let me know!!
snowy527 wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:12 PM
poobearz wrote on 2012-07-07 at 09:09 PM
ILY wrote on 2012-07-07 at 08:58 PM
I have a tiger perch psi item if anyone would like to trade it for a superbed that would be great! THNX! LMK if anyone wants to trade!!
~ILYI’ll trade a super bed for your tiger perch psi. I am in green regular KC right now if you want to meet me. My user ID is poobears1972.
Hey do you happen to have the endangered cougar PSI? Can you make a list of PSI you have?
I have the….
cow psi milk truck
polka back fish psi friendly anenammi stove
cocker spaniel psi Bone Fridge
budgie psi budgie striped sofa
pink googles psi gem gardenTHNX LMK if u want anything! PO!