Forum Replies Created
Thank you. I asked the customer support people as well and they didn’t answer my ? at all! Just a long drawn out note as to how to get my computer to run better…??? I hope that what ever the plan is, it will work better than Adobe Flash, which is constantly crashing!
Adobe Flash…I’m sure we all have issues w/Adobe Flash. Well, after the last update check, Hubby says that Adobe Flash will be no more by the end of the year. What does that mean for Webkinz?
WE NEED A SEARCH ENGINE! One where we can type in an item we are looking for and it takes us to that room. I have 156 rooms and can’t find a hat…I know it’s there somewhere! Also, the book of pets… Mine is 50 pages long. Firstly, they should be alphabetical, not just randomly placed. Secondly, a search engine type deal in there too, where we can jump to a certain page or pet.
Is there a time limit on the WG Challenge or is it up until we finish? Getting brain fog playing the sheep/butterfly game so can only do it in small increments.
The pug. That is what got me started, during a 3 a.m. “just looking out of boredom” on eBay. Searched “pug”, saw the WK Pug (had never heard of WK before this) and well, the rest is history. More than 300+ pets later and counting.
While a good idea, it’s not feasible. Ganz is a company that must make money in order to keep going…and we all what that, correct? From what I’ve seen locally, pet sales seem to be down, some stores don’t even carry them anymore or carry very little. Ganz needs Deluxe and eStore to keep the revenue coming in to keep WK World up and running.
Capybara, Sig. black and white Akita and any of the strange and odd critters that live in New Zealand and Australia. And a RAVEN!
Give us the ability to remove pets or kinzpost them.