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I’ve got a question where can I find the webkinz signature timber wolf for under $50
Hi I want to make a suggest that a little more games are open to membership people not just deluxe now I’m not saying every thing should be that way but my fav game is now deluxe and I can’t play it so can you please make more games open to everyone I’ve been on ever since webkinz started and now I’m limited I don’t think it’s very fair to the people that have played since the start an now people that have just started and have deluxe get more just saying thanks
i was jut wondering what happened tom the signatures? no rude comments please im just wondering
i think there should be more room themes open to people with memberships not just deluxe because i have so many rooms for my pets i have to do the some room over and over again. also i like how you redid the w-shop but i dont like how it has the e-store with it. my family wont pay for deluxe or e-store points so could you at least take the e-store out of the w-shop and make more room themes open for every one.