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If Snowy the Arctic Fox consistently holds the high score of the day for any given game, you’ve set the bar too high. Please allow players to fill that spot instead of your default robot.
Zingoz Pop is by far my favorite arcade game on Webkinz, though I have some suggestions for how to improve it: 1.) Once a player has beat a level, allow players to begin the game from that level instead of always on level 1. This game takes approximately 45 minutes to play through. Sometimes I want to just enjoy the mid-to-high levels but I only have like 15 spare minutes. Of course, winning a trophy would only be possible by beginning at level 1 and playing through level 30. 2.) Add levels! I’d love to see a Zingoz Pop that goes through level 60 or even 100. It’s a fun game but needs some more variety. 3.) Alternately, leave Zingoz Pop alone, but make a Zingoz Pop 2 including my suggested improvements. And consider adding the current “old” ZP to the Full Membership collection while the new one became Deluxe. You’d keep ZP fans happy plus score more Deluxe members, which would keep you happy.