How to Change Your Web Browser Zoom or System Font Sizes



In order to get the most out of your Webkinz World experience, you will need to make sure your web browser zoom and your system font/display size are both set to 100%. If you need assistance with changing these settings, we have links to instructions for the most common web browsers and operating systems you may use.


Changing your web browser’s ZOOM


Please click which web browser you are using to learn how to change your current zoom settings:









Internet Explorer







Changing your system’s FONT/DISPLAY SIZE


Please click here to visit a page with instructions on how to change the font/display size in multiple operating systems.


36 Responses to How to Change Your Web Browser Zoom or System Font Sizes

  1. apal says:

    I straight up cannot click play on Bananza. The button is not working. Please help as I am putting off doing a paper.

  2. mersede says:

    why I cant play webkinz?

  3. chocolate19 says:

    “Your web browser’s current zoom and/or font size setting may affect your Webkinz play experience. Find out how you can fix these issues here.”

    I cannot seem to figure out this issue. I try to log in, but the login button turns gray and then nothing happens. Please help!

  4. Froggit612 says:

    I am having trouble with font size but also with getting classes done it Kinzville Academy especially and once in a while a game in the Arcade. But the classes are the worst even at the beginning levels I am unable to finish a class in strength, agility, speed or creativity. I check on adobe flash player, cleared my cache, did all of the usual things and nothing helped. Unfortunately I had no choice in the upgrade to Windows 10 but Ireally don’t like what it did to Webkinz, if that is what is causing the problem

  5. Star2020 says:

    I just get the W even though I have changed my font size and zoom. It won’t let me on the site.

  6. terri824 says:

    I have so many problems with Webkinz and as far as I can see if have no problem with font size. I question if I was a Deluxe member would I have the same problems. Sometimes I have to sign on 5 or 6 times before I can get the website to work. Other times I don’t get the kinzcash I’m suppose to. I have too many problems with Webkinz to name!

  7. oscar11142011 says:

    This is not working on my apple computer. Please help

  8. DoodBug143 says:

    Still having this problem. My font and zoom have been adjusted. I use a chrome book on a chrome browser but haven’t had this problem until it started a day or so ago.

  9. DoodBug143 says:

    I’ve changed the settings and nothing has changed, I’m sure that this is a problem on webkinz side of things. please fix the problem.

  10. grampam313 says:

    Totally agree with what all are saying. I’ve made sure my settings are 100% and the font is put on small, yet I still get the message for both of my deluxe accounts and I have to arrow down the pet to spin the wheels, etc. It has worked fine for the almost 9 years I’ve been playing and suddenly it became a problem. It has to be something that was changed on Webkinz end and not with all our computers since it was so sudden. Webkinz needs to figure out the problem and fix it on their end.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      The dock size is influenced by the height of the pet — the taller the pet, the more likely that the dock will (invisibly) obscure some of the screen. You can try playing with your smaller pets if you don’t want to hide the dock in those cases.

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