
When it comes to being a good friend, this chimp is a champ! Chimpanzees are curious and clever pets that love to learn – especially when they’re learning with you! Make sure to serve them plenty of their favorite brain food: Rain Forest Stir Fry.

7 Responses to Chimpanzee

  1. Beckinz8 says:

    Do the chimpanzees in the Madagascar movies have names? As I am working on collecting kinz for a Madagascar theme, I would probably go with a movie name if they have one. I’m finding it very difficult/expensive to find a giraffe to be Melman. Any suggestions on where to find one?

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I have this pet, but I haven’t adopted him yet. I’m thinking of naming him Windar, but I still need to think about it.

  3. 594nat says:

    I got him for Christmas, his name is Professor Monk! This pet is actually super cute and funny-looking!

  4. 156nene says:

    mine is named bananza

  5. webkinzqueen88 says:

    i have that webkinz

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