Emo Jeans

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4 Responses to Emo Jeans

  1. RainbowDash20PercentCoole says:

    So, a description for the Webkinz Emo Jeans? No problem! Emo Jeans, they look great on your Webkinz pet and they are part of what “Kewl Kinz” wear. They were for a Webkinz Twitter and Facebook prize. They are now Priceless, which means they are soo amazing that you can’t put a price on them. They look very good on your Webkinz Pet. They were on August 26th, 2011. This article came out on August 3rd 2011. They look very cute! And that is the description for the Emo Jeans. Hope you liked it!

  2. puppypower04 says:

    I have them there very cute!

  3. eberry12 says:

    very valuable, cannot remember why it was realeased

  4. eberry12 says:

    They were realeased august 3 2011? NO WAY!

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