Kibble A La King

A steaming bowl of delicious kibble chunks, surrounded by peppery sauce. Guaranteed to fill up your lab!

2 Responses to Kibble A La King

  1. Fracktail says:

    Although, upon reading the description, I love that last sentence. I know it’s talking about a labrador, but I’m just thinking of someone dumping buckets of this stuff into a laboratory until it’s overflowing with it. FOR SCIENCE.

  2. Fracktail says:

    This looks so awesome and delicious. I mean, that is one heck of a stew right there. That just looks like perfection. Wait a minute…wait a minute, kibble??? Again??? DARN IT, WHY DO I KEEP GETTING TRICKED INTO WANTING DOG FOOD. THIS IS JUST CRAZY TALK RIGHT HERE.

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