Neon Tutu

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38 Responses to Neon Tutu

  1. KekoPug says:

    I figured out thanks to markg97! it’s the pink cowgirl boots, the fall floral skirt, and the thick knit sweater!

  2. chloewantstoplay says:

    hi guys! i have the recipe, it really works! ok so in the machine u put: cowgirl boots, floral skirt, and thick knit sweater! i know it works guys, try it!

  3. polarbears3012 says:

    I have a good idea… try fluorescent flip flops + smocked sundress + rainbow stripe pants.

  4. hannahlittlebuzz says:

    I know the black vest is in it so when I get some kinzcash I will try Black Vest+ Everything+Everything.

  5. Anrea2014 says:

    According to Kinzapedia the FFF came our May 26th of 2011, 5 months BEFORE the Neon skirt. Other (unverified?) hints are: its Punk-Tacular, A Blast from the Past, adds up to 118×2. I am broke looking for it (still haven’t resorted to selling furnature, although my dear pet is getting hungry as I obsess. :D

  6. eberry12 says:

    Urg. really trying. Tried any glasses lately? I am trying funky girl glasses, black vest, funky girl glasses, and smocked sundress… result? you could guess…. nothing. but Patch work

  7. PUGTONY3 says:

    FOR THOSE WHO ARE TRYING TO FIGURE THE NEON TUTU RECIPE OUT!!- I juts spent 13 hours all together from yesterday and today tring to figure it out….and I also spent about 10,000 KC!!! And guess what.. I was making the 3 clothing ingredients add up to the number the listed which is…235kc….Sice nothing was working I ended up burned out until I checked the other recipe outfits on here to see how much they cost to put them toghter…the blue ball gown, for example says it is worth 83 KC but if you put the ingredients together, it adds up to 115 KC…yeah I said it!! CRAZY!! I am quite upset, however it might be easier now to figure it out! I know a lot of people are trying to find this recipe, so I am just informing those who are doing or planing on doing what I did! :)

  8. ryleighz8 says:

    this recipe still is not solved hwy hasnet gnz ust gave it to us

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