Swirly Curl Unicorn

Learn the art of ribbons, curls and swirls with the ultra-whimsical Swirly Curl Unicorn! A fantastical creature like this needs a place to store their pretty and sparkly belongings, so be sure to gift them with their own lovely Ribbons & Swirls Chest of Drawers! And when they want to take a break from all that glittering fun, hand them a light-as-air Cotton Candy Cone and they’ll leap for joy!

13 Responses to Swirly Curl Unicorn

  1. migrubbs says:

    Someday, I’m going to get this pet and name her Curly Locks from My Little Pony.

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    It’s so cute!!!! I think I’d name it Rarity; the original one was pink.

  3. ChipperChirp says:

    I don’t like this pet at all. Webkinz has just gone too far.

  4. puppypower04 says:

    what a cutie!!!

  5. 2006anu says:

    i think they should switch the psf with the cotton candy pup psf

  6. jean3bear says:

    is its tail of confetti?

  7. Basketball555 says:

    I have the sparkly curl unicorn. I named her Sunset Shimmer.

  8. moneyz1234 says:

    nice job ganz! soooooooooooooo cute

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