Zombie Pup

Rawr! The Zombie Pup has awoken! Despite their ghoulish look, this puppy is a sweetie at heart. In fact, they love taking naps in their Cozy Coffin Bed! And when it’s time for some tasty dessert, they always reach for their Putrid Pudding first!

53 Responses to Zombie Pup

  1. doylesperling says:

    He is cool looking and Can i have one

  2. opal13mlm says:

    Honestly, I don’t like this pet design. but that /is/ just /my/ subjective opinion.

  3. chinchillaobsession says:

    I agree LaBriaBrit totally need more bats and the Zombie Pup is adorable

  4. LaBriaBrit says:

    Had to have this pet when it came out! Love all the Halloween Webkinz. I wish they would make some more Bats though!

  5. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    This guy is on my wishlist! If I ever get him, I’ll name him Farentio

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