A Big Contract for Hailey and Elwin

Wow! Elwin and I just got the most exciting news! Last month Stoogles and his family visited a ski resort in Northern Webkinz World. His mother was talking to the owners of the ski resort and they were telling her that they were planning a complete renovation. I guess the resort is getting pretty old and they thought that it was time to fix things up a bit.


Anyway, Stoogles’ mom told them that she knew of some good designers and she gave them Elwin’s and my number! They called today and said that they would like to meet with us! Isn’t that the most awesome news? This could be a big break for Elwin and me, taking on such a big project!

14 Responses to A Big Contract for Hailey and Elwin

  1. 1CaRoL says:

    This sounds exciting!!!! Make it wonderful. I love ski lodges.

  2. Blue Nosed says:

    Wow! Great job Elwin and Hailey! I love to doodle ideas for decorating rooms, so this is really cool for me, too! It is a ski lodge, so think warm and cozy!

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