Alex’s New Year’s Dilemma


Hi everyone. Alex here. I have a bit of a dilemma right now. Sparky asked me to come over on New Year’s Eve and watch some movies, eat some popcorn, and…maybe even stay up til midnight to watch the ball drop in Times Square. The thing is, my mom is really strict about me not going to bed late. She’s given me permission to go to Sparky’s and hang out, but made me promise not to stay up for hours! But…what do I tell Sparky? I don’t want to seem lame, but I don’t want to lie to my mom either! Help!

13 Responses to Alex’s New Year’s Dilemma

  1. freelandl says:

    You could sleep until 11:50. Have Sparky (or whatever his name is!) wake you up. It wold only be for like… 5 minutes.

  2. >^..^< Catkin says:

    Truthfully, Alex, waiting up for hours to see the ball to drop in Times Square is a lot of lost sleep for a bit of a letdown, it’s just not exciting to watch. Happy New Year, however late you stay up tonight!

  3. 458233 says:

    Alex, go to bed whenever you feel tired and ask Sparky to record the ball drop. You can watch it the following morning over breakfast.

  4. doodleflower1203 says:

    I agree with zeph317 too but if your mom says no then stay up to… However you are allowed to stay up and celebrate before you go to bed!

  5. bignate6399 says:

    You can celebrate another country’s or time zone new year. No one said you had to stay up until midnight your time to celebrate. Have fun!!

  6. zoraice says:

    Just tell your mom nicely you would like to see the ball drop. I agree with zeph 317, Im sure she will understand.

  7. cathouse2 says:

    Just tell Stoogles that your mom wants you in bed early that night Alex! I’m sure he will understand. >>cathouse2

  8. >^..^< Catkin says:

    Alex, go, have fun. When it’s your time to go to sleep, tell Sparky you’re tired & want to go to sleep. Chances are good that he won’t be able to stay awake till midnight either!

  9. zeph317 says:

    First of all, good for you wanting to be honest. I suggest you just be upfront with your mom and tell her the two of you would like to stay up long enough to watch the ball drop. Ask if that would be okay. It seems to me you are already showing responsibility and a desire to do the right thing, but you want to see 2013 in. That’s normal. I bet your mom will understand and say it would be okay. I think she will appreciate that you don’t want to go behind her back.

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