New Year’s Recipe: Easy Meatballs







Hi! It’s Sparky! My mom made another one of Chef Gazpacho’s delicious recipes. These meatballs are so good I ate about 20 and then she told me they are made with grape jelly! Grape jelly??? On meatballs? Who would’ve thought it could taste so good?

What you need:

-          1 box of store bought frozen meatballs

-          2 – 12 oz jars chili sauce

-          1 – 32 oz jar grape jelly

-          An adult assistant to help you with this recipe

What you do:

In a large pot, have your adult assistant combine chili sauce and grape jelly over medium heat, stirring often until jelly is melted. Add frozen meatballs and simmer for about three hours until meatballs are heated through. Transfer to a serving dish.

Forget peanut butter! I have a new favorite partner for grape jelly – meatballs!

19 Responses to New Year’s Recipe: Easy Meatballs

  1. zeph317 says:

    These are so good. You can also make them with barbecue sauce instead of chili sauce. Some people add red pepper flakes or a little cayenne for a bit of a kick. The original recipe as Sparky described it is delicious, though.

  2. Doglove says:

    They don’t sound very good to me. I like plain meatballs.

  3. Awesome Girl$$$ says:

    Thats our same recipe !!! Its my favorite

  4. puppylover says:

    That sounds soo yummy! Maybe i can try it sometime:)

  5. pixxie57 says:

    I need the recipe for the pepperment bark. I did not get the steps written down just the ingredients. thanks

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