Something Missing for the Holidays


Oh no! It’s Nibbles and I just got some bad news. When I got home from school my mom was all excited to tell me that Charles (that’s my sister Plumpy’s new husband) just won some really fancy award from some snooty historical society. Which is pretty cool, I guess. The only thing is that it means that Plumpy and Charles will be staying in South Webkinz World over Christmas so that Charles can accept his award. I’m not going to be spending the holidays with my sister! I can’t believe it – this is the first time I haven’t been with Plumpy at Christmas since… since – well, since never!

18 Responses to Something Missing for the Holidays

  1. dogs5678 says:

    yeah! why don’t you visit her?

  2. cathouse2 says:

    Oh, I’m sorry Nibbles! Maybe you could go visit Plumpy for Christmas, you know, give her a surprize! >>cathouse2

  3. kittycat says:

    good idea bannasmoothies!

  4. BananaSmoothies says:

    You and your mom should go to South Webkinz World for Christmas so you can spend it with Plumpy!

  5. jennifer says:

    Just wait Nibbles, I bet your going to have to decide between spending Christmas in South Webkins World or staying with one of your friends over Christmas. That’s going to be a very hard decision, if you have to make it. jennifer

  6. ATeenageWolf says:

    Wow Plumpy really changed since she and Charles got married ;(

  7. zeph317 says:

    I’m so sorry, Nibbles. I really hope your parents realize how big this is for you and put you first. I hope they put science on the back burner and concentrate on you.

  8. SERTOP says:

    That’s really bad! Oh no! Plumpy will miss you too! Don’t worry, everything will work out in the end. I feel really sorry for you.

  9. hahago says:

    Poor Nibbles!!!!! hang in there it will be alright. :) ~hahago~

  10. Rose says:

    That’s so bad! I’m so very sorry :(

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