How Is Your Acorn Collection Going?


We’re over a week into September AND the new Acorn Collection! How many have you collected so far?


There are great prizes to be won, including the grand prize, a gorgeous Ancient Oak Sapling!


You can take it from this…


To this!



Share how many Acorns you’ve collected in the comments! And remember, you can play as often as you like!


65 Responses to How Is Your Acorn Collection Going?

  1. luckyboomboom22 says:

    I finished this September 15

  2. Suwalleis says:

    I need help to find acorns….. please help me get some…. almost have my tree….. please help…. a friend….

  3. Igotasisternamednana says:

    i’m a few away from my sapling ! c: ♥

  4. Webkinzfan3 says:

    I’m almost done! And anyone who wants help or wants to help me, add me Puppylover589 I’m on every day!

  5. BH1464 says:

    I have 30 acorns so far. I hope I’m able to collect 40 for the sapling.

  6. gh2002 says:

    I just got the window, it’s really big

  7. Hatter says:

    I am on my third time around. I love the window and can’t wait until I can KP it.

  8. mury says:

    im soo close i have only 6 more

  9. koda22kinz says:

    3 more to go

  10. silkybella says:

    i only have 10 acorns :( but i got the headband!:)

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