When you log in, just click the “I Love My Webkinz” button to show your pet how much you care (you’ll also get some food and some KinzCash!). Make sure you visit each day of the week to fill up your heart. When the heart is filled up, you’ll win a prize from our new Webkinz Prize pool – you can’t trade for these items, so they’re very special. Whatever you do, don’t miss a day!
Reminder: Show Your Pet You Care!
45 Responses to Reminder: Show Your Pet You Care!
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I have logged into Webkinz every day. It is really frustrating when daily kinzcare refuses to show up and I don’t get my weekly reward, and that doesn’t seem right! I preferred when you daily kinz care was a personal option.
sometimes the heart doesnt come up I have to log in 3 or 4 times and some days i log in get the heart and it says the next day I missed it. PLEASE HELP U can ck. Im here almost everyday
I have got a fire extinguser that I couldn’t do a thing whit. And i’ve got a lime drink that I couldn’t use. And some webkinz doodle paintings to look at. And some webkinz postcards too look at allso. Booring, but they are good loooking;)
I would like to know if you miss checking the daily box when you first log in, will the box come back up when you log in a second time? Is there a place on the map to go to get this to pop up again like it use to be in the bottom of the page by my pets?
Can you please bring back at least a tab to where we can get to the Daily Kinz Care. I have lost out on so many weeks of prizes because it doesn’t always come up when I log in. I can log in 10 times and it still won’t come up, but then the next day I will log in and it comes up and of course shows that it looks like I never was in WW the day b4, when I was. I have taken tons of screenshots showing this, so maybe I should email it to you. I have proof that I was in on that day. But, please for all the people that are having so much trouble like myself, please put a tab that when this happens, we can at least go to it, so we can do our daily kinzcare. Thank you!
I love my webkinz very much but it takes a long time for that I love my webkinz meter to come on I wish they had the old button
The daily Kinzcare button often does NOT appear on my screen…sometimes i have to re log in up to ten times! sometimes it never appears. Sometimes i click on it and the next day it says i didn’t. I like it better the old way, where it was reliable. i do, however, like the prizes. just letting you know why i get frustrated with it.