Reminder: Show Your Pet You Care!

When you log in, just click the “I Love My Webkinz” button to show your pet how much you care (you’ll also get some food and some KinzCash!). Make sure you visit each day of the week to fill up your heart. When the heart is filled up, you’ll win a prize from our new Webkinz Prize pool – you can’t trade for these items, so they’re very special. Whatever you do, don’t miss a day!

45 Responses to Reminder: Show Your Pet You Care!

  1. lilliana says:

    Why are they talking about it now?

  2. sketchin says:

    Please bring back the “I love my Webkinz” icon that we can enter once in Webkinz World. Most of the time, mine does not pop up when I enter, and then I lose a day, because I forget to login again. So frustrating and sad for my Webkinz!

  3. BadtzMaru says:

    I do this every day mostly cuz it always pops in front of me when I log in

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    Could you please post an article on the New Webkinz Prize Pool – how does one qualify for a prize, what is in the pool, etc.? Thanks so much!

  5. xboxqueen says:

    i think it is a great idea for webkinz to have the webkinz heart it gives you money and a entry for maybe winning a prize good job webkinz
    if you would like to be my friend on webkinz please send me a friends request at petco2621 thanks

  6. cupcakekenze says:

    Everybody should do this everyday a week because one you get cool prizes and two you get some kinzcash! Also I have gotten most of the prizes twice so I think I have won them all and they are rare items

  7. Ahsoka Tano says:

    Please bring the tutor back!

  8. spiritchaser says:

    Why can’t we trade them, or sell them? I only need so many of these items on my account!

    I also think a button needs to be brought back to allow you to click “I love my Webkinz” because most of the time it does NOT show up the first few times I log into my account. This feature does not work consistently! Please fix it!

  9. Mary says:

    I love Webkinz, but when I sign in each day I don’t always get to check the day of the week off, because it doesn’t always show up

  10. Gracie says:

    I love my Webkinz and I hope that you love yours because if you don’t then why do you have one! I think that it is a big change to everyone because some people that have Webkinz theres have expired because they don’t like there webkinz so if I were you I would everyday click the button that says ” I love my webkinz” and then I hope the people that don’t love there webkinz that know that you also get money and a kind of food! I hoep that you LOVE your webkinz!

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