The Caring Valley Now Retired!


We’d like to remind everyone that the Caring Valley is now retired! Many thanks to everyone for their support for the Caring Valley since its introduction to Webkinz World.


Remember, if you have any remaining Caring Valley codes and want to redeem them now, your code will unlock a customizable Enchanted Sapling that you can plant in your yard!






25 Responses to The Caring Valley Now Retired!

  1. robin says:

    I really wanted to get the last Caring Valley tree ever. I was going to buy the code from the eStore, but they took it out before January 9. So I missed it. So sad.

  2. robin says:

    I miss them too. I couldn’t get every tree. But I had fun making the ones I did get.

    • mairig10 says:

      wasn’t the same for me, but yes, i also put in a tree instead of decorating it and putting it in my room…it’s a bummer because i can’t get the tree that i actually liked…it’s all gone now…

  3. mrandle says:

    I am so sad, they keep taking things away. When are they going to have some more quizz and pick and win. Please fix it.

  4. adidogs123 says:

    I’m not really into the caring valley so I’m glad it’s retiring!

  5. jnpets says:

    Oh I loved getting all the different trees and helping.

  6. tita1101 says:

    It’s sad you guys are not doing this anymore. If you guys retire this, there must be a better thing than The Caring Valley.

  7. Briannadog (deluxe member) says:

    :( It helped save trees in our envirment! Why would they retire that! It is ok ganz, but it was helping the earth.

  8. Fun!Lol says:

    Why get rid of a good thing?

  9. Nancydog6 says:

    I just hope everything wll not retire.

  10. Pokemonlover16 says:

    Aww, that’s sad. It was a way to raise money for growing trees.

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