Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This August Pet?


Can you guess which spiny species of pet this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early August to find the answer!


54 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This August Pet?

  1. summiergirll says:

    I think its a squirrel! It sure would be cute

  2. Suwalleis says:

    Camel…. look like this pet has a hump so i thing new is a Camel …. Different for webkinz…. want to be there went box is open…..

  3. ChipsnSalsa says:

    Porky the porcupine

  4. foxmillionair says:

    hedge hog or maybe a hound dog

  5. sama142 says:

    I think it could be a hedgehog

  6. His_princess_1312 says:


  7. hannah5banana says:

    I think it looks like a hedgehog. I hope it is because I’ll definitely buy it!!!

  8. lazygal says:

    A Porcupine sound right to me.

  9. Spiderhulkman says:

    I’m going to say porcupine.

  10. Beckinz8 says:

    I would LOVE a hedgehog, but I can’t figure out the top left picture. Maybe it will be a porcupine or an echidna. This isn’t spiny, but rather scaly, and I have no idea how Ganz would design it, but I think it would be cool if they could create a pangolin!

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