Sneak Peek: The Sixth Day of Christmas


You’ll be singing the praises of Day 6 in the countdown to Christmas!

Click on Ms. Birdy in the Clubhouse today and this enchanting Christmas Carol Music will be added to your dock. This lovely music stand is sure to add a sense of harmony to your pet’s room but remember to log in today because tomorrow Ms. Birdy has another new gift to share!

As an added bonus – if you click on Ms. Birdy to receive a gift on all 12 Days of Christmas you’ll receive a special badge!

But don’t worry if you miss a day in the 12 Days of Christmas, because you can still purchase this charming Christmas Carol Music with your eStore points.

11 Responses to Sneak Peek: The Sixth Day of Christmas

  1. Amy says:

    Kool I will add you to my webkinz account!!! My username is Amy200234

  2. Ilovecheese says:

    I am not doing this 12 days of Christmas thingy. To busy all the time when I am on Webkinz. plz be my friend on Webkinz!!!! My user name is walkerisadorable. Plz ask!!

  3. bearsky97 says:

    But you never know what the item could be, but i’m so excited!

  4. bearsky97 says:

    I think it will be part of the jingle bell items, anyways that’s my username if you would like to add me, i’m always on light blue after school, hope everyone have a nice winter break.!♥

  5. cassou says:

    very cute… i hope the last gift will be amazing

    • Shirley says:

      I know right. I remember a couple of years ago, for St. Patricks Day, The final prize was a Pot of Gold Fridge, and when you clicked it, a rainbow would spray out. I hope the final prize will be GRAND!

  6. Shirley says:

    I missed at least four days, and I have 9,000 estore points but I am saving up for the Garnet Rover (If they let it come out in January).

  7. cathouse2 says:

    I never go to the Clubhouse a lot, because sometimes it does not work right. I got to visit Santakinz though! >>cathouse2

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