Sneak Peek: An Icy Winterfest Treat!

Yummy!  This delicious Winterfest Icicle Popsicle will you be yours to win during Winterfest 2012 which starts on January 7th!

We are so excited!

Your pet will love all the super prizes and fun at this year’s event.  Hope to see you there!

45 Responses to Sneak Peek: An Icy Winterfest Treat!

  1. Julia (ILoveSockMonkeys) says:

    “Yummy” is right!!! :D
    I won the food item, although I won’t be eating it to soon….
    I am feeding my pets pizza for a challenge.
    ~Julia (ILoveSockMonkeys) ;)

  2. shauni_is_a_webkinz_fan_3 says:

    sweet. the food looks sooo yummy!!!

  3. maylover says:

    i love popcicles i have like 6 webkins and all ove them one prizez

  4. watertiger says:

    i want items not food!!!:) or even stuf to go to in my house!! it would be great if we got only a few foods and the rest either items or clothes:)

  5. Kellybean says:

    I think that they should give you a choice between what item you get, because some like food and some like other things.

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