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Reuniting Lost Loves

It’s me Salley again. Alex went back to the library to do some research on the Ghost Pirate and his Princess and apparently there have been some sightings of the Ghost Pirate Princess in a cave in Adventure Park. Alex thinks that to release the Ghost Pirate we had to travel into Adventure Park and lead her to the shipwreck. When she and the Ghost Pirate are reunited, he will be able to leave the shipwreck with her and return with her to Adventure Park. So we all steeled ourselves for a scary morning and headed over to Adventure Park and into the caves. When we entered the caves it was pitch dark and we could hear an eerie wailing sound. Stoogles got ready to turn around and run but Alex grabbed him and dragged him deeper into the cave. Finally, we came to a larger cavern with an underground lake, where a beautiful ghostly lady sat crying on a rock in the middle of the water. Alex asked her what was wrong and she said that there was a storm at sea and she was separated from her love and now he was lost forever. Alex told her that … Read more


Where, Oh, Where Can She Be?

Salley Cat here. So far this has been the freakiest Halloween ever and we haven’t got to the 31st yet! Alex finally believed us that the ghost on the shipwreck is real, but then he wanted to go back again and help the Ghost Pirate! We all said that he was crazy, but he said that if the story was true then we could help reunite him with his lost love and he wouldn’t haunt the shipwreck any more. Alex, Sparky, Stoogles and I went back to the shipwreck yesterday. It was so creepy. As soon as we got close to it we could hear the sobs of the Ghost Pirate. Alex climbed right up onto the deck and the whole ship started to shake and shudder. Alex called out that he was here to help. After another loud sob, the Ghost Pirate cried out, “I cannot be helped! I am trapped on this ship for eternity!” Alex said that surely something would be able to free the Pirate. He responded that the only thing that could help him is love, but that his love is lost forever. Then Alex asked him how he lost his love and the Ghost … Read more


Alex’s Trick

Okay, this was supposed to be a really funny day but it didn’t exactly turn out the way I had planned. Because I knew that ghosts are not real and there was no way that old shipwreck by the shore could possibly be haunted. So I decided to set up this fake ghost to scare my friends. I told them that I had an idea to draw out the ghost and that they should meet me at the ship. I hid on the ship’s deck under a sheet with a couple of eyes cut out. When I heard my friends getting closer, I stood up with the sheet over me and in a low voice I called out “Spaaarkyyyy!” At first they all screamed then I think they immediately realized it was just a trick and they started to laugh. But then, all of a sudden they stopped laughing and just stood, speechless, staring at me. Everyone’s mouth was hanging open and from behind me I heard a very deep voice rasp out “My love, is that you?” just as I saw two white, wispy arms encircle me from behind. As the arms closed in on me I felt a … Read more


Alex’s Scientific Journal: The Shipwreck is NOT Haunted!

                  Alex Tiger here with a page out of my scientific journal! My friends totally believe that that shipwreck is haunted, which just can’t be true. I know it’s spooky to think that there are actually ghosts aboard, but that’s nothing a bit of evidence can’t solve. Here are my scientific reasons why the ship may seem haunted but actually ISN’T: Strong winds shaking the ship. That shuddering noise we all heard? Gusts of wind! Plus when it whistles through the boards it sounds like moaning. Cool breezes off the water. Some people say that when you feel a chill, that means you walked through a ghost, but I don’t think so. The ship is on a beach, and that means cool breezes make it to shore—even through a boat’s cabin door! We felt a sea breeze, NOT a ghost. See? There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m going to present my findings to my friends (especially Sparky, he was so scared!) and then they’ll see there’s no way there’s such a thing as a ghost!    


The ‘Kinz Make a Startling Discovery

  Oh my gosh! It’s Sally Cat and do I ever have some freaky news to share with you! Sparky and Alex went back to that haunted shipwreck that we discovered the day of Sparky’s party. Why did they go back? It’s a mystery to me! Apparently they had another spooky experience, despite Alex’s insistence that there is some scientific reason for the noises and the shaking. So today Stoogles and I decided to do a little research. We went to the library to check and see if there were any reported cases of a haunted shipwreck on the shores of Kinzville. And guess what? It turns out that for years there have been cases of strange happenings around that lake! Residents of Kinzville have reported seeing a ghostly creature floating around the lake, groaning as if in pain! Theories are that it is the Pirate Ghost, searching for his lost love! How wild is that? I think that what we heard the other day were the sobs of the heartbroken Ghost Pirate! A real live (well, dead) ghost – right here in Kinzville!


Meet the Ghost Pirate!

Ghost Pirate

The Ghost Pirate sure is one spooky fellow! Read more

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