Meet Tabby Von Meow

Meet Tabby. Tabby Von Meow runs the Employment Office, blogs and loves photography. You can also meet her in Webkinz Friends on Facebook.

tabby von meow

Name: Tabby Von Meow

Age: 33

Profession: Employment Office Manager

Friends: Debbie Dragon, Ms. Birdy, Plumpy, Arte Fact

Claim to Fame: Tabby arrived from the Big City and fulfilled her dream of running an Employment Office.

Hobbies: Wind surfing, blogging, volunteering, rock climbing, photography

Proudest Moment: Opening the Employment Office, helping others find jobs, and volunteering as a judge in Chef Challenge.

Life Motto: “Life is all about helping others – you get what you give.”

Tabby, in fifty words or less:
Tabby spends her work week behind the desk at the Employment Office, but when she goes home at night she LOVES to be active. From wind surfing to rock climbing, she’s always on the go. Since she loves photography so much, she’s got some really awesome pictures on her blog!

38 Responses to Meet Tabby Von Meow

  1. Kitty Cats Rule! says:

    Tabby Von Meow is my favorite- she’s a cat, so of course. Go cats!!!! ~Catlover33~

  2. GreekMythGeek says:

    33? Isn’t that to old for a cat?

  3. gjeli123 says:

    i love it

  4. Lover of Music ♫ says:

    I love Tabby Von Meow!! She’s a very nice person. I love her life motto. It really is true. :)

  5. DANIKA says:

    your really already my friend and i really think your sweet but i think you need too be carful about what you say.

  6. dezirae says:

    hi tabby you give me the perfect jobs thank you

  7. Webkinz#1 says:

    She is my favorite Webkinz person ever! She is so cool!

  8. Stealthstorm says:

    I went to the zoo the other day and took more than 200 pictures! I take a ton, because some of them don’t turn out. :D But I got some AMAZING pictures! I take my camera everywhere, and take pictures of everything. I love to take pictures of animals and plants. Nature. I enjoy it. I love to make photo albums too. @ Moonstar, I would like to become friends on WW! I see that your account is after my favorite book series! Same is my user name! Friend me @, PomJazz. *Stealthstorm

  9. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I LOVE her “Life Motto”. I try to live by the Golden Rule, you know, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Tabby’s motto works the same way. I also like photography and take one of my cameras (digital and film) everywhere I go,

  10. chicky123102 says:

    I love tabby von meow! L-O-V-E her.

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