Webkinz X: Information Archives



Hey there my fellow detectives! I’ve uncovered some important information about the X-citing new updates coming to Webkinz World as part of the Top Secret project, Webkinz X!


Read all about it in these Newz stories posted below:




1. Webkinz X Revealed: New Pet Meters!


2. Webkinz X Revealed: The Pet Care Heart!


3. Webkinz X Revealed: Family Score!


4. Webkinz X Revealed: Pet Requests!


5. Webkinz X Revealed: New Dress Your Pet Window!


6. Webkinz X Revealed: New Things To Do Menu!


7. Webkinz X Revealed: The New Dock!


8. Webkinz X Revealed: The New Room!


9. Webkinz X Revealed: Kinzville’s New Look!


10. Webkinz X Revealed: The New Homepage!



40 Responses to Webkinz X: Information Archives

  1. korabell says:

    When will webkinz X be put into place?

  2. EspeciallyAnon says:

    I really want lots of deluxe features taken off… I’m not gonna get deluxe but everything I used to love like Tunnling Twigzy and Vacation Island are deluxe.. And EStore points, like why?! I also really want a new, more improved arcade… More games and more organized!

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      There have been some already, and lot’s of Deluxe members are unhappy about it. They are making it so there is no customization of your dock and no pet picture background.

      • EspeciallyAnon says:

        I mean more deluxe being taken off all-together and we can all get all of Webkinz. I mean I get that they have to make money from the site, but it really sucks that there are games I can’t play, things I cant buy and things like that, that I wish I could do, but I’m not on Webkinz enough to spend money on it every month or for a year or whatnot.

  3. buzz32103 says:

    A new Webkinz Arcade

  4. Suwalleis says:

    I’m not happy about this change…. the reason is the little kids are o.kay with the old map…. confusing them… and like Zumwhere it is hard to work…. because you have to start with a bank of money….. knowing a parent can only be the one to give money……. also, if it doesn’t need fixing, why fix it….. there is no reason to fix the map or anything with the pets…. The poor kids are going to be upset for days trying to play with the game….. Parents will be mad and then they will take the kid off the game….. what is Webkinz going to grain from this? Sorry, this is not going to work…..

  5. coronation500 says:

    will we still have all of our stuff (rooms, pets, items etc) because i have over a thousand things in my dock from food to clothes to toys you name it please just make this temporary if the answer to my question is no (exept for the family score that is cool)

  6. naamster says:

    Okay before i was totally hating this. But now the only thing I don’t like about this is the pet request. It’s too much like the Zumwhere feature, which I don’t really like, and it would get annoying!

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Oh yes! Of course!Well, it doesn’t do anything. It will probably just make your pet’s Family Score go down. It won’t effect the food, health, and sleep bars.

    • Crystal_Secret1944 says:

      Yes, the requests are a little annoying, as well as the pets always being hungry all the time. I guess it would be more fun with fewer pets.

  7. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    I’m SO eXcited for Family Score. It’s AMAZING!

  8. tttvvv says:

    Will the layout***

  9. tttvvv says:

    Guys im really worried about the look of the new webkinz. Will the lat be more like amazing world? Will our items, rooms, and most importantly, our pets, look the same? Will we need to learn new ways to play, overall? Hopefully not, but if anyone knows about the layout let me know! I am excited for the family score but im just a little skeptical still

  10. Horsegirl says:

    Yay! Archives are fun, and I am really excited about Webkinz X (I have no idea how many times I have said I’m excited about it, but I am really excited! :D). Thanks for the archive, like I said, archives are fun! ~Horsegirl~

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