December Events Calendar


There’s a lot going on in Webkinz World throughout December, including the return of the Home for the Holidays room theme with 3 new items and Countdown to Christmas! Check out the calendar below to learn about upcoming events:




CLICK HERE to learn more about each holiday event!


What event are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


77 Responses to December Events Calendar

  1. NightShade12 says:

    I love al the events happening!!!!!!

  2. bee225 says:

    I love love LOVE christmas! It makes me sooooo happy! presses under the tree,stockings waiting for santa,giving gifts,cool stuff on webkinz,and best of all Jesus’s birthday! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful christmas! Love Bee225

  3. copper123 says:

    yay that’s awesome so happy and excited!

  4. christianfroggy1420 says:

    Sally, for some reason I can’t use my free spin coupons. I have 2 and they are in my dock. Are they glitched or were they removed from Webkinz?

  5. webkinzdiamond says:

    hmm.. my deluxe box didn’t come this month… and i didn’t get my Estore points.Can someone help?

  6. marelz12 says:

    Love the new events!!! Can’t wait to collect all 50 candy canes, I still have a lot to go……..

  7. 95hearts says:

    It’s December 1st and the w-shop does not have the holiday items yet!

  8. Joeygraceffafan1911 says:

    Can`t wait!!

  9. lucysnuffle says:

    I really hope that we bring all three of the computers on our vacation so my brother and I can play webkinz while my mom sells stuff.

  10. oliver1239pop says:

    Hey guys! Anyone want to be friends? I need some active friends to ask for candy canes. :( I’ll send them back! My user is oliver1239pop! :)

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