Webkinz Events Calendar: September 2017


There’s a lot happening in September, including the Acorn Collection event and Fall Fest! Check out the calendar below to learn about upcoming events:




What event are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


62 Responses to Webkinz Events Calendar: September 2017

  1. tink1706 says:

    ENOUGH of the school items !!!! We need more leaf floatys

  2. nanakinz5 says:

    Wonderful! I LOVE Fall Fest!! I LOVE watching the leaves floating around in my pets’ yards – so, thanks, Ganz, for making that possible again. :D

  3. SpringBreeze says:

    My 1 yr Webkinz anniversary is coming up on Sept 24! Yay! I can’t believe it’s already been a year. Thanks for introducing me to Webkinz, bubbashuka! <3

    • bubbashuka says:

      Wow, congrats! Already! It seemed so recently that I taught you. Awe, you’re welcome! I remember teaching you for almost 2 hours- over the phone! It was so hard!

  4. gml1939 says:

    help! I see many virtual pets in the Wshop at 25% off in estore points, but cannot find these pets in the estore. I would love to get some of these on sale, but prefer to buy them as ‘gifts’ so i can put them on whichever account i want to. I have several accounts. I don’t want to miss this sale. I don’t understand????

  5. ImaPepper says:

    So many activities…so much fun! Thanks for all the fun events!

  6. cowtown2 says:

    Woohoo cant wait fall leaves pumpkins great foods webkinz need i say more

  7. NarnianHeart says:

    I’m so excited for Fall Fest! Last year’s prizes were amazing. I really enjoyed building an apple orchard from all the different decorations and seeds. :)

  8. MidnightFireflies17 says:

    Yay!!! I love fall it is my favorite season! Can’t wait! :)

  9. bubbashuka says:

    Yay! This sounds so fun! I love collections and floaty clickies!

  10. ThatCatRollsInCash says:

    Yay, even though september is nearly spring for me, I love fall fest!

    • Beckinz8 says:

      *waves ‘hi!* to southern hemisphere webkinz community friend! I never thought about it before, but you guys are just finishing up winter, right? That means that my September birthday would have been in the winter (my favorite season!) if I had just been born somewhere different. That is soooo cool!

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