A Mysterious Letter!


Check your KinzPost today for a copy of the mysterious letter sent to Ms. Birdy!



Ms. Birdy made a surprising discovery this morning when she opened the Adoption Center’s front door. Sitting on the step outside was a milk bottle containing a rolled-up piece of paper!



When she opened up the milk bottle took out the paper, she found the following mysterious poem:



Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz on Webkinz Day for more about this mystery!


What does this letter means? And who could her secret admirer be? Let us know what YOU think in the comments below!


227 Responses to A Mysterious Letter!

  1. julieperkins says:

    cant wait to find out

  2. 2000pencil says:

    3 ideas. Either Dr. Quack, Mr. Moo, or Quizzy. See how the bottle has a question mark on it? ;)

  3. Pattyjo says:

    I hope it is Dr. Quack. Can’t wait to find out.

  4. 22pandabear says:

    I think it’s Cowbelle after all Secret Admirer doesn’t always mean romantic she could admire Ms. Birdy because of everything she has done for Kinzville. This also explains the milk bottle.

  5. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    This is confusing! Why does it start with “we” and then continue with “I”? Could Dr. Quack be planning something with EVERYONE else?

  6. crow24 says:

    Okay so I was listening to the podcast and I watched the Year 10 A Look Back video; both got me thinking…baby Cinder was at the end of the video for the year 2015 and the podcast 38 part 2 mentioned something being dropped off on the doorstep of the adoption clinic. What if we get a new host?

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Hmm…Dr. Quack never made his liking Ms. Birdy a secret….and that milk bottle seems suspiciously like the bottles in the arcade game….I think it’s not Mr. Moo, what’s the name of the character in Cash Cow? Can’t think of it right now…anyway, he’s my guess.

  8. browniebee543 says:

    If you look closely on the letter there’s a piece of glass on the corner and maybe it might be dr.quack’s glasses.

  9. griffoned says:

    WAIT this is bad. If Miss Birdy Gets Married, then maybe she will retire and we will no longer be able to adopt new webkinz!

  10. Hope0729 says:

    I got the letter

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