A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!


Want to earn some cool NEW prizes? Just look for the “Free Prizes” button in the Thing to Do menu. When you click on it, you’ll have the option to either earn KinzCash or a prize by watching a video advertisement. At the end of the video, you’ll be awarded your prize.



The prizes for watching these video ads are ALL NEW and can’t be won anywhere else. The prize items are awarded randomly, with some of the bigger prizes being rarer than others. You can watch and win up to a total of 10 times per day.






Please note that you’ll need to have your Parent’s Account set to allow 3rd party ads and you’ll need to turn off any ad blockers to participate. When making changes to your Parents Account settings, you will need to click on the link sent in the confirmation email (i.e., the same email used to login to your Parent’s Account) to see the changes take effect. Also make sure you are logged out of your Webkinz account while making changes to your Parents Account settings.



UPDATE (04/13/2018): Please note that once an advertiser’s daily quota is reached, the videos for the ads are automatically capped and  the “No ads are available in your area” message will appear. So if you were able to watch video ads one day and not the next, it most likely means that the video ads have been capped for the day and you’ll have to try again tomorrow.


Currently we only have advertisers in North America supplying us with video ads, so only accounts in North America can use this feature.


Since we have been reaching the daily quota for our advertisers with this new feature, we have now turned off the video ads that used to pop up between plays in the Arcade and the room.


What do you think of these new prizes and the way to win them? Let us know in the comments below.


233 Responses to A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!

  1. doodlebug72898 says:

    I’m glad you’ve removed the ads from arcade and rooms. Those were seriously annoying! But I don’t mind watching ads at all if it means free prizes!!

  2. animalsmatter1 says:

    Sally and Steve Webkinz: thank you for the updated message above!

  3. Ellen1970 says:

    I like the Common Items more then the Rare ones.

  4. corky10angel says:

    Hi. I tried changing to allow the ads on my account but it still shows that i’ve not opted in when i’ve checked the yes on both. I have a deluxe membership so i don’t know why it won’t work. Help.

    • Steve Webkinz says:

      When you change settings in a Parents Account, an email is sent to you (i.e., the same email address you used to log in to the Parents Account). It contains a link that you have to click on to confirm the changes.

  5. ILoveMice2 says:

    I changed settings as requested on Weds and all it said was NO VIDEOS AVAILABLE IN MY AREA. Thursday I go on and suddenly my videos are working just fine. GREAT! I log on today it is back to NO VIDEOS AVAILABLE IN MY AREA. This is turning into more frustration than fun. Not sure the advertisers are getting their money worth is we can watch the videos and win prizes. I’m sure they aren’t thrilled with this whole situation either.

  6. dixiecup says:

    Well, if they are getting enough exposure with people clicking on the free stuff button, can you stop the ads from showing whenever you go from room to room or playing a new game? If we have to have ads on, why should we have to put up with ads for the entire time we’re playing? All Webkinz is, then, is an advertising station and not a place for enjoyment.

    • animalsmatter1 says:

      Hi dixiecup–I asked about whether or not we should expect the ads popping up when moving room to room, or playing with our pets, but never received an answer. After having played for a day, my instinct is that we can only stop the ads from popping up if we utilize the ad block—otherwise, we get the ads….I suspect this is a good way for Ganz to generate some revenue. I actually support that; I want them to generate revenue any way they possibly can, because I love the game so much! But I do understand what you’re saying: it’s frustrating getting involved with decorating, or dressing a pet, and having an ad pop up–I agree. I have three accounts: I allowed the ads on only one account. That’s all I really need or want. IMO, I wouldn’t exactly call Webkinz an advertising station…I get what you mean, but the way I view it is, television has commercials, magazines have advertisements, and now Webkinz has ad videos. This probably will (I hope) keep the cost of plush pets, E-store items, and Deluxe Membership fees down to an affordable price, which is particularly important for the youth members of the WW community who don’t have the discretionary spending flexibility as adults.

    • marnabear1 says:

      They have fixed that, Dixie.

  7. Silverspear says:

    it’s a little buggy but I really hope you continue to keep this feature! It’s pretty fun. Are you planning on switching up the prizes every now and then?

  8. early4567 says:

    Sally When I go to Parent Login and put in WW information a box pops up saying The Login is not correct. I am using the Username and Password that I use every time I login to WW and have no trouble logging in to those accounts. Please any suggestions !?!?!

  9. StephanieB says:

    I have no intention of repeatedly watching the same two videos popping up in the middle of my computer screen. Click on an arcade game, up pops a video. Click on a daily activity, up pops the same video. I understand ads on the side, but not popping up in the middle of playing. Sooooo annoying!

    • Ellen1970 says:

      I so glad you said something about the ads – i was thinking about doing it but the ads on the side are annoying enough! thx!

      • StephanieB says:

        They have fixed the ads popping up in the middle of the screen, but the ads on the side change every 30 seconds which stalls the program while you’re in the middle of a game or activity or academy class. You sit and wait several seconds for the ad to load before webkinz starts working again. Ugh!

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