American Golden Retires


The American Golden is the latest pet to officially retire in Webkinz World! When a pet is “retired” in Webkinz World, it means that the plush is sold out from our warehouse and no more will ever be made, making it a collectors’ item! To celebrate, American Golden owners can visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend and play the Counting Sailboats game on Saturday (March 15th) and get a FREE Jar O’ Fireflies Lamp on Sunday (March 16th).



42 Responses to American Golden Retires

  1. princezzpeach1217 says:

    They keep on adding these weird pets like Grumpy Cat. Nobody wants to buy a cat who hates purring. I mean seriously, they add all of these unliked pets and take away all of the original pets that everyone loves.

  2. wongwong772006 says:

    got this webkinz! he was my first one EVER! too bad i missed the count the sailboats…. **sigh**

  3. Snow88889 says:


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