American Golden Retires


The American Golden is the latest pet to officially retire in Webkinz World! When a pet is “retired” in Webkinz World, it means that the plush is sold out from our warehouse and no more will ever be made, making it a collectors’ item! To celebrate, American Golden owners can visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend and play the Counting Sailboats game on Saturday (March 15th) and get a FREE Jar O’ Fireflies Lamp on Sunday (March 16th).



42 Responses to American Golden Retires

  1. mypuppy says:


  2. anikagirl888 says:

    ah my cousin has one named paisly

  3. foxlols says:

    did the retire the gold and white cat? because i have the stuffie

  4. webkinz2509 says:

    yeah! i wish they wouldn’t retire so many webkinz in so little time111

  5. babetteab says:

    I wish they would retire the really old ones. Like the love puppy.

  6. crazcuz says:

    I saw her at the store with the clover pup but,I only afford the clover pup I still love her though.

  7. pampake says:

    awwww. Its to cute to retire:(

  8. pupptpink552 says:

    Love the retirement gift. Just remember guys they retire one every week and they get new ones every month too. It gets hard having to create a whole new webkinz.

  9. wiki10 says:

    I have the golden retriever but no code

  10. Atomton says:

    Another cute PSI and Pet retiring.

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