Apatosaurus Retires!


ATTENTION ALL APATOSAURUS OWNERS: Your pet is sold out and no more will EVER be made! If you have this pet as part of your collection, make sure that you visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend for 2 special ALL DAY events! Congratulations! Your pet and the Long Neck Deck Chair, its unique adoption gift, are now collectors’ items!

31 Responses to Apatosaurus Retires!

  1. dune456 says:

    I couldn’t decide what to name mine and missed out on counting the sail boats. I still have today but don’t know a good name. Any sugestions?

  2. webkinz351149 says:

    Thats so sad!!!

  3. anne2w2e2r2t2y2u says:

    I have him and he is one of my favorites! :)

  4. slugbug2000 says:

    I want him! He is so cute! :P

  5. computerweb23 says:

    I have been wanting to count sailboats :D

  6. computerweb23 says:

    I just got from estore!!!!!!! (TreeSoar) :D

  7. amiddend says:

    i have an Apatosaurus :) I love my chompy

  8. KyNDN says:

    Yes. Mine has a room with stoneage bed, mad scientist table, furniture from every series of history in Webkinz. In the center of his room, is the delightful time machine.. Obviously, there is more than one way to escape extinction.

  9. 1cutepies says:

    Yay I finally have this pet! Wonder why people don’t like this webkinz. I love dinosaurs <3 ~1cutepies

  10. faitherfoo123 says:

    HOW! Me not understand

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