Behind the Scenes: Music Starz Storyboard!


Before an animator created one of the music videos that you can watch in the Music Starz section of Webkinz, an artist first created a storyboard for the video. A storyboard is a series of drawings that are used to show the sequence of scenes planned for a video. This gives the animator a visual script to work from when creating the actual video.


Take a look at some of the panels from the “It’s A Beautiful Day” storyboard compared to actual frames from the music video. In this video, a Webkinz Rooster and Chicken try to wake up their little chick:



Watch the complete music video to “It’s A Beautiful Day” in the Music Starz section of Webkinz. You can  access Music Starz from the THINGS TO DO menu or, CLICK HERE to watch the video on the Webkinz YouTube channel!


Stay tuned for a look at more Music Staz Storyboards on Webkinz Newz. What is your favorite Music Starz video? Which storyboard would you like to see next? Please leave your comments below…


120 Responses to Behind the Scenes: Music Starz Storyboard!

  1. SnowFox15 says:

    This is very cool! I hope they’re going to do one for “Nine Lives”! That’s my favorite–always has been, always will be. :)

  2. 13carrotpoppy says:

    I love the pet of the month videos! I can’t wait to see more storyboards. I have to say my favourite Music Starz video is the Caramel soup. You guys work so hard, lets give them a round of applause. “CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP”

  3. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    This is so cute!! I loved the pet of the month videos

  4. phreeby says:

    Feel free to friend me on Webkinz, my username is phreeby, and I’m always open to giving out stuff via Kinzpost if I get something in return, and I’m always happy to trade! :P

  5. 1Emerald1 says:

    Thanks for showing us the storyboard. Wow. Looking back at those comment from 2014 made me nostalgic. So many friends that aren’t around anymore. I still miss Gennelle!

  6. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    Can you do one for Hug a Pug? The pug is my favorite pet, it was my first one, and pugs are my favorite dog breeds.

  7. ilovepups127kinz says:

    who want to be friends? my name is ilovepups127kinz on webkinz

  8. xoingtoby says:

    I hope they NEVER EVER get rid of these videos. I listen to them over and over and love them. This one is really cute – and it’s funny that a feather is what ends up waking up the little chick. It’s cool to see the storyboard. Thanks for sharing!

  9. cutiepiethefirst64 says:

    TigerKinzKG, what is your username? Mine is cutiepiethefirst64, and you seem really nice.

  10. dominocats123 says:

    they skipped domino cats in febuary,2011 it was my first pet

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