Calling All Webkinz Beta Testers!




The team at Ganz has been busy working on a new Webkinz project that is now ready to play!


Like other recent large projects, this will first require Beta Testers to help us work out bugs, send regular feedback, and make improvements. The initial Beta Testers will be a small select group, but we will be expanding the number of testers over time.


Note: At this time, only players using Windows 10 will be able to join the Beta.


If you are interested in joining the Beta Tester group, please send an email to: Please include your Webkinz login name in the email.


In your reply, please also tell us as much as you can about the computer you will be testing on, such as its CPU, amount of RAM, monitor size and video card. If you cannot provide all of this information—don’t worry—you will still be eligible.


If you need help finding this information, we’ve written a handy guide here.


If you are selected to participate, we will send you a follow up email with more information.

Participation will require agreeing to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the length of the Beta Test.


Thank you to all of our Webkinz fans and we look forward to revealing more about this exciting project soon!


64 Responses to Calling All Webkinz Beta Testers!

  1. bonesbongo says:

    Sally Webkinz or anyone from the Webkinz Newz Team is there any way for me to contact Betty Butter Ganz other than facebook I don’t have a facebook account associated with this email. I wondering if the Closed Beta Testing has Ended? When I went to the Microsoft Store today I couldn’t find the Beta Project. I tried pasting the link included in email sent that I had nothing is happening just a blue circle middle of the screen keeps spinning. I would appreciate if someone could let me know what is happening. Thanks

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      There was an issue recently, but it should be resolved. Please try downloading again.

      • bonesbongo says:

        Thanks for replying Sally I will check shortly and download again.

        • kittenhideout says:

          I have been having this exact same issue for over a week now. I have tried 3 servers and via file explorer & get the same blue spinning circle. I am also am not on facebook, and have tried several emails to support without an answer. I am wondering bonesbongo if you ever did get in? Or Sally, if you have any suggestions or help?

  2. kittenhideout says:

    Will you respond to everyone who applied via email, or at least post here when your beta testers have been chosen? It’s been awhile now and I haven’t yet heard either way.

  3. salboyd says:

    I emailed a week or so ago, but haven’t heard anything. Will we hear back if we have been selected to participate or not?

  4. bonesbongo says:

    Sally Webkinz or anyone from the Webkinz Newz Team I’m hoping someone can answer a question for me.

  5. Serendipitydoda says:

    Wonder if this is a new function(s) or a new WW area?

  6. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Should non-Windows 10 users still email now or will we be prompted to at a later date?

  7. heythere13 says:

    I am using a desktop computer…that’s all I know!! my internet is chrome and I would love to be a part of this testing:)

  8. grampam313 says:

    I wish I had unlimited internet as I’d love to be part of this group. Sadly, we only have a limited amount of gigs per month so guess I’ll have to wait until it’s tested. I’m hoping everyone in the group has fun and helps with this new project.

  9. OakleyJerzy says:

    I’m using a chromebook i would test

  10. Tommythepanda says:

    Hmm… I have to wonder if this means that Ganz is developing a full-featured desktop version without Flash (maybe -hopefully- working toward a browser version without Flash).

    • maddyoko says:

      Thats a good point. The desktop version doesn’t have access to online features so perhaps they’re incorporating that. But I also hope they’re adding a new game or feature to Webkinz as well.

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