Challenge: Operation Clean Up!


Your first Halloween Challenge starts in Webkinz World today! Be sure to log in to between October 1 and 7 and look for the challenge icon on the left side of your screen! You need to place Litter Tiles in your pet’s room, make wishes at Wishing Well 2, and feed your pet Vampire Panther Pops to earn a Creepy Cursed Chair and a Bitter Bones!


Your next challenge starts on October 8! Come back to Webkinz Newz then to learn more!

32 Responses to Challenge: Operation Clean Up!

  1. frozenanna2 says:

    Happy Halloween ya’ll!!! ;-);O);O);O);O);O);O);O)o((⊙﹏⊙))o.o((⊙﹏⊙))o.o((⊙﹏⊙))o.

  2. frozenanna2 says:

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

  3. mommybear says:

    Ugh. Not happy that the quest depends on something random like the vampire pop. I don’t have all day every day to sit here and wait for it to float by. Really Webkinz, you think we need to push everything to the side for you?

  4. Duckcall says:

    Could the pops float by a little quicker please. I can only play a couple of my accounts for 20 minutes and after 2 days I have 0 pops on one of the accounts. I need at least one to appear while taking care of my 10 pets in that account.

  5. obie987 says:

    Where do we get the litter tiles?

  6. Amygirl113 says:

    Wish you’d have a floaty clicky for the pops here at WKN so we can get another one every day.

  7. marnabear1 says:

    Do we have complete this challenge to get the next one?

  8. alucard says:

    Can we buy the Vampire pops in the WShop? How are we to collect enough of those pops to use when making the costumes…AND feeding them to our pets so we can finish the 1st part of the challenge? Maybe I’m missing the point here. Will the pops float by quicker than normal? Why so few allowed each day? Why can’t the little owls in the park give out pops instead of a litter tiles? Ugh!!!! I’m already feeling the stress! :-(

    • ImaPepper says:

      I actually wondered about that myself; but aren’t the pops being given out all month? And each piece of the costume uses one Vampire Panther Pop, so that’s five for each complete set…with everyone collecting two or three each day, there should be plenty for the challenges and the costume (62-96 in total). Hopefully we won’t have to feed them to our pets for each challenge…

      • megamom12 says:

        Deep breath alucard!!! You feed one to your pet for the challenge, and then use the second one to make a costume piece. It will take a few days, but it will all get done! We need for days for the Wishing Well anyway!

  9. Animalgirl4eva_ says:

    I’m not happy about using enough vampire panther pops to make a full costume. It’s really cute; and I know I can get two every day, getting more than enough to make costumes, but I can’t go on every day. But the ghost chair is really cute, so I will do it.

  10. piggitime says:

    I love this chair. Most of my webkinz homes have a room where the ghost chair is in front of the computer station desk, clearly celebrating just making the high score on the GoTD.

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