Changes Coming to Forums

Do you love participating in the Webkinz Newz Forums? That’s great! We’re currently planning a re-organization of the forums to make them even easier for Webkinz World members  to use and enjoy. That’s why member-created topics haven’t been appearing lately.

As we’re rolling out the changes in 3 weeks’ time, please avoid creating new topics, as they won’t appear. Soon, however, you’ll have the perfect categories in which to post your discussions, comments, questions, suggestions and concerns.

We’re excited to show you these new changes! Until then, have fun!



91 Responses to Changes Coming to Forums

  1. guamgirl says:

    It’s been longer than the 3 weeks said that the Forum changes will take place. Please give us an update on when to expect the changes. Thx

  2. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    So I was wondering….. I’m not sure exactly when this was posted so when you say 3 weeks time, do you have an exact date? If you did that would be great! I know it’s soon but I don’t know how soon.

  3. snowy527 says:

    Hi Ganz….I just went to check out my forum that was created 1 month and 2 weeks ago and it was NOT there…I triple checked just now and I was on it earlier today. I am hoping that is won’t disappear for good. My first forum had over 2000 posts on it before you guys made the huge changes to Webkinz news and then that disappeared. Now this one is gone for now….:(

  4. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    One more week. Just one more week. so close yet so far away.

  5. Jenny17 says:

    What are forums?

  6. loveyps says:

    I hope the change will allow smaller computers on webkinz

  7. Bali_Tiger says:

    Can the webkinz pet Avatars please show up? it would clear up a lot of space from “What webkinz pet are you?” topics. plus, whenever my Computer freezes, i can study the pets, and attempt to draw them :lol: plus, sometimes you can tell the personality of someone by seeing their avatar. Thank you, GANZ!

  8. webkinzqueen says:

    Good job on that.Thanks ganz.Go webkinz.

  9. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    Ugh! I don’t know how I’m going to wait 2 more weeks! Some many cool things are happening! (Like the e-store point give away) an I have so many questions! (about ZDA) ZDA stands for Zoey’s Design Academy. ~*JaneOfAllTrades*~

  10. Nineand9 says:

    ok, thanks, i just read this. i guess Webkinz® is renovating again

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